Email #86
Area: Kwa Guqa
Companion: Elder McClellan
It's a big change, but don't worry about anything like all is staying the same and the likely hood of me going to Botswana is slim unless they do a 90 day or 60 day visa and it happened yesterday so it was dropped on us too. We were together in Pretoria because they were splitting the stakes, so now all of Pretoria and Limpopo is part of that mission. They sent all of our names that were in these zones to the first presidency and they prayed about each of us. So its from the Lord that this was suppose to happen. This is a new beginning for me and to do the best I can for the last bit. Transfer dates are on the same schedule as the old mission and for now I'll be staying where I'm at with Elder McClellan. I'm not sure for how long, but it's just like it was before you never know what going to happen. they won't extend by all means, so it's fine with that. I'll probably be leaving from a different airport than I originally was. You know as much as I do, why this happened and while they were changing the stakes they also changed the mission boundaries. It's just something we have to go along with because God knows what He is doing. He drops the ball on us at times and we either have to catch it and run with it or drop it and move no where. I decided to act and not react to this whole thing I believe its for a purpose, but the purpose I do not know. We just have a new boundary and mission president and the rest just concerns us with how we get supplies and other stuff. I will be okay, it's all in the Lords hands and we just have to trust him. I know its hard for you to understand and it is for me too, but I know that this is the way that He wants it done so we must follow. I'll keep you updated when I know more about what's happening, but as for now everything with moving anywhere stays the same.
Elder Bryner
Excerpts from Mom's email:
I didn't get sick and I'm still good. We just have to go with it and follow him. The fact I'm in a new mission now hasn't fully processed, but it will be nice I'm not sure what will happen because things are still not set except the boundary change. I will be in that mission officially on wednesday the 1st. Just be patient and trust in the Lord. I know its hard and is for me to, but I've learned its easier just to trust him rather than to question why things are the way the are.
Excerpts from Dad's email:
The week was good and we had a really good week we feel, but not many lessons but this week will be good. We taught a mother and son that is a sister to the 2 counselor in the bishopric. So that will be good for some fellowship hopefully. We only saw her once and were seeing her again on wednesday, so we'll see how far it goes. I love you paps and all will be well my trust in the Lord and his doings has increased and I have just learned to just go with it and to follow what He has set. I hope you have a good week and theres no need to worry about me I will be good! after all the Lord is very near to me!
Monday, June 29, 2015
Email from President & Sister Wilson
Area: Kwa Guqa
Companion: Elder McClellan
It is with great excitement we welcome each of your sons into the Botswana/Namibia Mission. We met with our new missionaries for a couple of hours after the mission realignment announcement was made at the Pretoria, South Africa Stake Conference. They are a wonderful group of 37 Elders and 4 senior couples with the desire to serve the Lord where they are called to serve. We know there will be some apprehension and disruption as we make this change over. Please know we will do all we can to reassure your son is where the Lord wants him at this time of his mission. We know it was through inspiration that they were assigned to their particular District and Zone. In the 2 years we have been in Botswana it has been witnessed to us many times that the Lord is in charge of his work of salvation, and if we will be the instruments in His hands we will be able to fulfill all He asks us to do. We have learned to put our trust in the Lord and lean not to our own understanding. We are very grateful for President and Sister Dunn and the service and love they have given to these Elders and Couples. We know they will be greatly missed. We are looking forward to this new growth in our mission and know it will be a blessing not only to the missionaries but to the members as well. We will continue to see the hand of the Lord in this area of the vineyard. Please continue to encourage and help them through this transition.
Our mission includes the countries of Botswana and Namibia and the northern part of South Africa. At the present time we are located in Gaborone Botswana, but will travel to all areas of the mission each month. Botswana is located to the west of Pretoria, SA. The church has been in Botswana since 1990 and a stake was organized in 2012. There are also 4 branches which are under the direction of the Mission. The past 2 years we have faced difficulties in receiving work visas and at the present time only Botswana residents are being called to serve in Botswana. Namibia is to the west of Botswana and on the Atlantic coast. The church has been in Namibia since the 1990’s also and a District was created in March of 2015. At the present time we have 4 Elders serving in Namibia and are hoping we will be able to increase this number. Both countries are well developed and very receptive to the gospel. They are a very peaceful and loving people.
At the present time the mission office is located in Gaborone, Botswana. Maintaining contact with families is important for missionaries so we urge families and missionaries to write or email an uplifting letter once a week. Expect the mail to take about 3-4 weeks to arrive in Gaborone. Delivery to remote areas of the mission may take additional days and sometimes weeks. E-mail is available in all parts of the mission.
We are looking forward to getting to know each of your missionaries. We know we will come to love them as we do our own boys. If you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
President and Sister Wilson
Botswana/Namibia Mission
Companion: Elder McClellan
It is with great excitement we welcome each of your sons into the Botswana/Namibia Mission. We met with our new missionaries for a couple of hours after the mission realignment announcement was made at the Pretoria, South Africa Stake Conference. They are a wonderful group of 37 Elders and 4 senior couples with the desire to serve the Lord where they are called to serve. We know there will be some apprehension and disruption as we make this change over. Please know we will do all we can to reassure your son is where the Lord wants him at this time of his mission. We know it was through inspiration that they were assigned to their particular District and Zone. In the 2 years we have been in Botswana it has been witnessed to us many times that the Lord is in charge of his work of salvation, and if we will be the instruments in His hands we will be able to fulfill all He asks us to do. We have learned to put our trust in the Lord and lean not to our own understanding. We are very grateful for President and Sister Dunn and the service and love they have given to these Elders and Couples. We know they will be greatly missed. We are looking forward to this new growth in our mission and know it will be a blessing not only to the missionaries but to the members as well. We will continue to see the hand of the Lord in this area of the vineyard. Please continue to encourage and help them through this transition.
Our mission includes the countries of Botswana and Namibia and the northern part of South Africa. At the present time we are located in Gaborone Botswana, but will travel to all areas of the mission each month. Botswana is located to the west of Pretoria, SA. The church has been in Botswana since 1990 and a stake was organized in 2012. There are also 4 branches which are under the direction of the Mission. The past 2 years we have faced difficulties in receiving work visas and at the present time only Botswana residents are being called to serve in Botswana. Namibia is to the west of Botswana and on the Atlantic coast. The church has been in Namibia since the 1990’s also and a District was created in March of 2015. At the present time we have 4 Elders serving in Namibia and are hoping we will be able to increase this number. Both countries are well developed and very receptive to the gospel. They are a very peaceful and loving people.
At the present time the mission office is located in Gaborone, Botswana. Maintaining contact with families is important for missionaries so we urge families and missionaries to write or email an uplifting letter once a week. Expect the mail to take about 3-4 weeks to arrive in Gaborone. Delivery to remote areas of the mission may take additional days and sometimes weeks. E-mail is available in all parts of the mission.
We are looking forward to getting to know each of your missionaries. We know we will come to love them as we do our own boys. If you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
President and Sister Wilson
Botswana/Namibia Mission
President and Sister Wilson
Kwa-Guqa, South Africa
Email from President & Sister Dunn
Area: Kwa Guqa
Companion: Elder McClellan
Dear Parents and Priesthood Leaders of missionaries in the South Africa Johannesburg Mission:
I wanted you to be among the first to know about a historic milestone in the missionary work in here in Africa which was announced this morning, and will take effect this coming week.
In a recent meeting of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve, approval was given to realign the boundary between the Botswana/Namibia and South Africa Johannesburg Missions, and to transfer the Pretoria South Africa Stake and the Tzaneen South Africa District from the South Africa Johannesburg Mission to the Botswana/Namibia Mission. This change will be effective 1 July, 2015, and will affect 45 missionaries currently serving in the Pretoria, Sunnyside and Tzaneen Zones of the South Africa Johannesburg Mission.
This change in mission boundaries coincides with the splitting of the Pretoria Stake and the formation of the new, Mabopane Stake. Both the new stake and the adjustments to the mission boundaries were proposed and sustained by the members and missionaries in a special stake conference held this morning in Pretoria. The net effect of this move is that it transfers a stake and district from the South Africa Johannesburg Mission. It will also immediately bolster the compliment of missionaries in the Botswana/Namibia Mission which has struggled to get missionaries into those countries due to visa issues for the past 18 months. As a geography reminder, these two countries are adjacent to South Africa, and are located on its northern border. The affected zones from the South Africa Johannesburg Mission are the northernmost areas of our mission, and a logical addition to the Botswana/Namibia Mission.
While Sister Dunn and I are obviously saddened to part with these great missionaries whom we have come to know and love as sons (…along with four of the best senior couples to be found anywhere), it is inspiring—and in fact more accurately, dizzying—to see the hand of the Lord move the work forward on this African continent. In addition to strengthening the ability to handle the burgeoning work of building the kingdom in the north, this is a pioneering opportunity to stretch and grow which will bless the lives of all involved. But please know that even as your son moves on to this exciting opportunity, that he will always be a part of the South Africa Johannesburg Mission.
I’m also pleased to tell you how much your son will love his new Mission President and Companion—and how much they already love your sons. We know President and Sister Wilson and they are outstanding people and seasoned servants of God. They have already served two years of their three-year call in the Botswana Gaborone Mission, and so are experienced leaders of a mission. Their home is in West Jordan, Utah and they are the parents of five children. President Wilson, who was born in Columbus, Ohio is steeped in church experience having served as a counselor in a stake presidency and is a former bishop, high councilor, elders quorum president, and Young Men president. Professionally he worked as an engineer with Ceramatec, Inc. Sister Wilson, who is from Payson, Utah, has also served in many callings including as a former ward Relief Society president, ward Primary president. Again, your sons will love serving with this terrific couple.
As your communicate with your son on his P-Day tomorrow, my prayer is that you, too, will feel the spirit of this inspired move, and share that with your missionary. While you or your son may be naturally feeling some uncertainty about this, I testify to you that God is indeed in charge. And that this is but one more evidence of the hastening of the work. As the Book of Mormon asserts, “But the Lord knoweth all things from the beginning; wherefore, he prepareth a way to accomplish all his works among the children of men…” (1 Nephi 9:6). Elder Neal Maxwell also reminds us that all things do work together for our good. “Trust in the Lord as He leads you along,” said Elder Maxwell. “He has things for you to do that you won't know about now but that will unfold later. If you stay close to Him, You will have some great adventures. The Lord will unfold your future bit by bit.”
One thing is for sure, it will be an adventure! And we feel so blessed to be a part of this historic and inspired move forward. If you have any questions or if I can help in anyway, please let me know. In the meantime, please know that the Dunns and the Wilson love your sons and will be doing our very best to make this adjustment successful.
Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah for Israel!
With love and blessings,
Michael A. Dunn, President
Companion: Elder McClellan
Dear Parents and Priesthood Leaders of missionaries in the South Africa Johannesburg Mission:
I wanted you to be among the first to know about a historic milestone in the missionary work in here in Africa which was announced this morning, and will take effect this coming week.
In a recent meeting of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve, approval was given to realign the boundary between the Botswana/Namibia and South Africa Johannesburg Missions, and to transfer the Pretoria South Africa Stake and the Tzaneen South Africa District from the South Africa Johannesburg Mission to the Botswana/Namibia Mission. This change will be effective 1 July, 2015, and will affect 45 missionaries currently serving in the Pretoria, Sunnyside and Tzaneen Zones of the South Africa Johannesburg Mission.
This change in mission boundaries coincides with the splitting of the Pretoria Stake and the formation of the new, Mabopane Stake. Both the new stake and the adjustments to the mission boundaries were proposed and sustained by the members and missionaries in a special stake conference held this morning in Pretoria. The net effect of this move is that it transfers a stake and district from the South Africa Johannesburg Mission. It will also immediately bolster the compliment of missionaries in the Botswana/Namibia Mission which has struggled to get missionaries into those countries due to visa issues for the past 18 months. As a geography reminder, these two countries are adjacent to South Africa, and are located on its northern border. The affected zones from the South Africa Johannesburg Mission are the northernmost areas of our mission, and a logical addition to the Botswana/Namibia Mission.
While Sister Dunn and I are obviously saddened to part with these great missionaries whom we have come to know and love as sons (…along with four of the best senior couples to be found anywhere), it is inspiring—and in fact more accurately, dizzying—to see the hand of the Lord move the work forward on this African continent. In addition to strengthening the ability to handle the burgeoning work of building the kingdom in the north, this is a pioneering opportunity to stretch and grow which will bless the lives of all involved. But please know that even as your son moves on to this exciting opportunity, that he will always be a part of the South Africa Johannesburg Mission.
I’m also pleased to tell you how much your son will love his new Mission President and Companion—and how much they already love your sons. We know President and Sister Wilson and they are outstanding people and seasoned servants of God. They have already served two years of their three-year call in the Botswana Gaborone Mission, and so are experienced leaders of a mission. Their home is in West Jordan, Utah and they are the parents of five children. President Wilson, who was born in Columbus, Ohio is steeped in church experience having served as a counselor in a stake presidency and is a former bishop, high councilor, elders quorum president, and Young Men president. Professionally he worked as an engineer with Ceramatec, Inc. Sister Wilson, who is from Payson, Utah, has also served in many callings including as a former ward Relief Society president, ward Primary president. Again, your sons will love serving with this terrific couple.
As your communicate with your son on his P-Day tomorrow, my prayer is that you, too, will feel the spirit of this inspired move, and share that with your missionary. While you or your son may be naturally feeling some uncertainty about this, I testify to you that God is indeed in charge. And that this is but one more evidence of the hastening of the work. As the Book of Mormon asserts, “But the Lord knoweth all things from the beginning; wherefore, he prepareth a way to accomplish all his works among the children of men…” (1 Nephi 9:6). Elder Neal Maxwell also reminds us that all things do work together for our good. “Trust in the Lord as He leads you along,” said Elder Maxwell. “He has things for you to do that you won't know about now but that will unfold later. If you stay close to Him, You will have some great adventures. The Lord will unfold your future bit by bit.”
One thing is for sure, it will be an adventure! And we feel so blessed to be a part of this historic and inspired move forward. If you have any questions or if I can help in anyway, please let me know. In the meantime, please know that the Dunns and the Wilson love your sons and will be doing our very best to make this adjustment successful.
Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah for Israel!
With love and blessings,
Michael A. Dunn, President
President & Sister Dunn
Kwa-Guqa, South Africa
Monday, June 22, 2015
Birthday party
Email #85
Area: Kwa Guqa
Companion: Elder McClellan
Excerpts from Dad's email:
The birthday party was a ton of fun, they made us such nice food and the cakes were so cool. I sent some pics of them. Well it wasn't a lot of people, but there were some who came over some neighbors and ate with us and just chatted and took pics. It was really fun just to get to know the family and see what they're are like. They are all members, but a little less active and they came to church yesterday. The father isn't a member, but he was asking when we are coming back so I think we are going to start teaching him soon. I am staying for another transfer, no I'm really happy about that and no they didn't close either of them yet, but they will soon. I told mom all about the week the other elders all got sick haha! I still haven't yet which is good, so pray I don't. I'm hoping this week goes a little better with teaching, because this past week wasn't too good because they were all sick. Hunter emailed me so it was cool to hear from him. But I'm doing really good and am feeling good about everything. I know the future is great and has a lot for me to do. I'm glad that you had a great fathers day. I love you paps, hope your week will go better this week!
Area: Kwa Guqa
Companion: Elder McClellan
Excerpts from Dad's email:
The birthday party was a ton of fun, they made us such nice food and the cakes were so cool. I sent some pics of them. Well it wasn't a lot of people, but there were some who came over some neighbors and ate with us and just chatted and took pics. It was really fun just to get to know the family and see what they're are like. They are all members, but a little less active and they came to church yesterday. The father isn't a member, but he was asking when we are coming back so I think we are going to start teaching him soon. I am staying for another transfer, no I'm really happy about that and no they didn't close either of them yet, but they will soon. I told mom all about the week the other elders all got sick haha! I still haven't yet which is good, so pray I don't. I'm hoping this week goes a little better with teaching, because this past week wasn't too good because they were all sick. Hunter emailed me so it was cool to hear from him. But I'm doing really good and am feeling good about everything. I know the future is great and has a lot for me to do. I'm glad that you had a great fathers day. I love you paps, hope your week will go better this week!
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Elder McClellan,
Kwa Guqa,
Kwa-Guqa, South Africa
Monday, June 15, 2015
20th Birthday!!!
Email #84
Area: Kwa Guqa
Companion: Elder McClellan
Excerpts from Mom's email:
Hey mom, yeah it was a really good week and the temple was really nice got the answers I've been looking for. Sis Shaw said she knew you, so that wasn't a shock haha. Seems like you know almost everyone that I run into. I got some scripture cases for you guys, they are really cool. We knew about the video they told us about it and to just have something on mind you want to tell your dad. Yeah I really liked the scarf and they fed all of us, so that was really nice of them. She got me some other stuff like hot chocolate and some other biscuit type things. That party for me is this coming Saturday, so I'm looking forward to that. Well my birthday was really nice the Mphoreng family called me in the morning and sang happy birthday. Well mom I hope that you have a good week and that I love you.
Excerpts from Dad's email:
My birthday was awesome and had a lot of fun and went to a few people houses and they fed us. I have met some really nice people here and I love them so much they are just like my second family. I feel at home here, it feels like I never left home. The father's day video was actually planned and they told us just to think of something that you want to tell your father for father's day. We just happened to be lucky enough to be going to the temple at that time so they chose us missionaries to do it. There is a family that the daughter who goes to university in Pretoria and she is the only one who goes to church usually her family. They are throwing me a party this Saturday because the mom's birthday is also this month on the 30. They wanted to do it in the middle for both of us. I'm doing good and loving this place, it keeps getting better everyday growing closer to these people. I definitely want to come back really soon and see them. The time has gone by so fast and doesn't seem slow at all. Trying my best to keep going. It's getting down to the reserve tanks haha, but just that i love this place is helping a lot. I will probably be here one more transfer and then leave somewhere else, but it's not what I want to do. I think it might happen. I took some pics on my birthday and tomorrow I'll take more. It's just kinda hard to send, them but next week I'll send some. Were still teaching Thabo and he has a wife and two kids. We are going to start teaching one of his friends soon hopefully, it's just that he works a lot. Were still trying to get referrals from members and we'll get some soon hopefully. Yeah the guitar is really fun, I actually bought a guitar it was like 50$ for early birthday present. A couple of elders in my district know how to play and they taught me the basic notes. I got a simplified hymn book that has guitar notes and I basically teaching myself at the moment with new songs and just playing around with it. I am trying to make a song, but yeah I will teach you when I get home. I actually wanted to get one when I got home so that I could keep playing. Everything is great still and hope to be with my comp another transfer or to even be with him till we both go home which is the same time. It could happen because there are so many going home and not equivalent coming out. They will have to close areas, so one of the Kwa-guqa might get closed because there are two. All is well and I will do my best to keep pressing forward and I hope that you have a great fathers day paps!! I love you!!!
I was very lucky to get to have a special video from James for father's day. I want give a special thank you to ASEA (Africa Southeast Area) Public Affairs for putting this video together.
Area: Kwa Guqa
Companion: Elder McClellan
Excerpts from Mom's email:
Hey mom, yeah it was a really good week and the temple was really nice got the answers I've been looking for. Sis Shaw said she knew you, so that wasn't a shock haha. Seems like you know almost everyone that I run into. I got some scripture cases for you guys, they are really cool. We knew about the video they told us about it and to just have something on mind you want to tell your dad. Yeah I really liked the scarf and they fed all of us, so that was really nice of them. She got me some other stuff like hot chocolate and some other biscuit type things. That party for me is this coming Saturday, so I'm looking forward to that. Well my birthday was really nice the Mphoreng family called me in the morning and sang happy birthday. Well mom I hope that you have a good week and that I love you.
Excerpts from Dad's email:
My birthday was awesome and had a lot of fun and went to a few people houses and they fed us. I have met some really nice people here and I love them so much they are just like my second family. I feel at home here, it feels like I never left home. The father's day video was actually planned and they told us just to think of something that you want to tell your father for father's day. We just happened to be lucky enough to be going to the temple at that time so they chose us missionaries to do it. There is a family that the daughter who goes to university in Pretoria and she is the only one who goes to church usually her family. They are throwing me a party this Saturday because the mom's birthday is also this month on the 30. They wanted to do it in the middle for both of us. I'm doing good and loving this place, it keeps getting better everyday growing closer to these people. I definitely want to come back really soon and see them. The time has gone by so fast and doesn't seem slow at all. Trying my best to keep going. It's getting down to the reserve tanks haha, but just that i love this place is helping a lot. I will probably be here one more transfer and then leave somewhere else, but it's not what I want to do. I think it might happen. I took some pics on my birthday and tomorrow I'll take more. It's just kinda hard to send, them but next week I'll send some. Were still teaching Thabo and he has a wife and two kids. We are going to start teaching one of his friends soon hopefully, it's just that he works a lot. Were still trying to get referrals from members and we'll get some soon hopefully. Yeah the guitar is really fun, I actually bought a guitar it was like 50$ for early birthday present. A couple of elders in my district know how to play and they taught me the basic notes. I got a simplified hymn book that has guitar notes and I basically teaching myself at the moment with new songs and just playing around with it. I am trying to make a song, but yeah I will teach you when I get home. I actually wanted to get one when I got home so that I could keep playing. Everything is great still and hope to be with my comp another transfer or to even be with him till we both go home which is the same time. It could happen because there are so many going home and not equivalent coming out. They will have to close areas, so one of the Kwa-guqa might get closed because there are two. All is well and I will do my best to keep pressing forward and I hope that you have a great fathers day paps!! I love you!!!
I was very lucky to get to have a special video from James for father's day. I want give a special thank you to ASEA (Africa Southeast Area) Public Affairs for putting this video together.
Video 1, James' Father's Day video |
Video 1, James' Father's Day video |
Elder McClellan,
Kwa Guqa
Kwa-Guqa, South Africa
Monday, June 8, 2015
Staying busy, teaching a lot. Learning how to play the guitar
Email #83
Area: Kwa Guqa
Companion: Elder McClellan
Excerpts from Dad's email:
Things are going well, we had another good week. We didn't meet that lady because we painted the Mphorengs house in one of their rooms. What sucks is I forgot to bring my camera, so didn't get any pics. The BOM's, they give a box of about 50 and we use them as we need them and order as we need them. We can order Zulu and most of any of the languages that are spoken here, they even have Portuguese. (You said you play the organ) The organ haha, no I don't memorize the music, the piano has a selection of hymns and you can choose which one and then you can hit play verse and play intro stuff like that. It's not so impressive, haha but just to push a button so I've been doing it for them for about 4 weeks now. I am learning how to play the guitar and a few more songs on the piano too. So that is nice its going pretty good. I can play any song on the guitar as long as I have the notes. I can read piano music okay, just the right hand, but I'm just being taught a song by someone and just memorizing it. So those less actives we had at church, one is a mom to a good friend of mine and she hasn't been to church in a year or so. She is the lady that is throwing me a party for my birthday. She and two other less actives came to church yesterday so that was so cool. They were two guys lucky and happy they are my age and we have been working with them and we working with the friend of mine and she is a great help. She talks to them and tries to help us bring the less actives back. We taught about 23 lessons this past week and that was pretty good. We have been trying to work with the less actives especially those around our age. (When you guys teach a lesson, do you take turns?) We switch during the lessons and we try and teach just a few points in each lesson, so that they can slowly learn and make sure they know the stuff. Our teaching pool is getting bigger slowly, but surely. Still working with Thabo, he is the guy that owns the water filtration place. He has been around members his whole life basically, so someday he will accept. Today for p-day we'll probably go to a place called Middleburg and do something there, it is just 20 kilometers away from here. Were just going to check it out and see whats there. I've been to the game park where that American woman was killed and they specifically tell you to keep windows up. I don't know why she didn't listen and when we went that's what we did and we didn't get eaten.
Area: Kwa Guqa
Companion: Elder McClellan
Excerpts from Dad's email:
Things are going well, we had another good week. We didn't meet that lady because we painted the Mphorengs house in one of their rooms. What sucks is I forgot to bring my camera, so didn't get any pics. The BOM's, they give a box of about 50 and we use them as we need them and order as we need them. We can order Zulu and most of any of the languages that are spoken here, they even have Portuguese. (You said you play the organ) The organ haha, no I don't memorize the music, the piano has a selection of hymns and you can choose which one and then you can hit play verse and play intro stuff like that. It's not so impressive, haha but just to push a button so I've been doing it for them for about 4 weeks now. I am learning how to play the guitar and a few more songs on the piano too. So that is nice its going pretty good. I can play any song on the guitar as long as I have the notes. I can read piano music okay, just the right hand, but I'm just being taught a song by someone and just memorizing it. So those less actives we had at church, one is a mom to a good friend of mine and she hasn't been to church in a year or so. She is the lady that is throwing me a party for my birthday. She and two other less actives came to church yesterday so that was so cool. They were two guys lucky and happy they are my age and we have been working with them and we working with the friend of mine and she is a great help. She talks to them and tries to help us bring the less actives back. We taught about 23 lessons this past week and that was pretty good. We have been trying to work with the less actives especially those around our age. (When you guys teach a lesson, do you take turns?) We switch during the lessons and we try and teach just a few points in each lesson, so that they can slowly learn and make sure they know the stuff. Our teaching pool is getting bigger slowly, but surely. Still working with Thabo, he is the guy that owns the water filtration place. He has been around members his whole life basically, so someday he will accept. Today for p-day we'll probably go to a place called Middleburg and do something there, it is just 20 kilometers away from here. Were just going to check it out and see whats there. I've been to the game park where that American woman was killed and they specifically tell you to keep windows up. I don't know why she didn't listen and when we went that's what we did and we didn't get eaten.
Elder McClellan,
Kwa Guqa
Kwa-Guqa, South Africa
Monday, June 1, 2015
Getting involved with youth
Email #82
Area: Kwa Guqa
Companion: Elder McClellan
Excerpts from Dad's email:
The week was really good our best week this transfer. We had that lady we found and we called her she was coming from Jo'burg, so this weekend we will see her she said she's not busy. We have a potential that has been give BOM and is friends to someone we are teaching. But were gonna try to be involved with the youth. Yesterday I taught the youth Sunday school, so that was fun. Want to go to mutual and ysa see if we can get involved some how. We just need to be better at locking unplanned finding! (What are you doing for exercise) We work out in the morning as well as walking, so its all good I hope to be in good shape when I get home! We had a less active come to church since forever so that was something cool as well.
Elder Bryner
Area: Kwa Guqa
Companion: Elder McClellan
Excerpts from Dad's email:
The week was really good our best week this transfer. We had that lady we found and we called her she was coming from Jo'burg, so this weekend we will see her she said she's not busy. We have a potential that has been give BOM and is friends to someone we are teaching. But were gonna try to be involved with the youth. Yesterday I taught the youth Sunday school, so that was fun. Want to go to mutual and ysa see if we can get involved some how. We just need to be better at locking unplanned finding! (What are you doing for exercise) We work out in the morning as well as walking, so its all good I hope to be in good shape when I get home! We had a less active come to church since forever so that was something cool as well.
Elder Bryner
Elder McClellan,
Kwa Guqa
Kwa-Guqa, South Africa
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