Email #102
Area: Motupa
Companion: Elder Paul
Excerpts from Mom's email:
Yeah so this is weird, but this will be my last email most likely so it is strange to say that. The week was good did a lot more service and now just preparing myself for other stuff. Zone conference was good and learned a lot. I bore my departing testimony and just to be on the other side is just the weirdest thing and to be finally saying that I am going home. Yeah it will be a little change and I don't think it will be too hard for to adjust. I am still the same me, with all the laughs and everything just my testimony has changed and my perspective about life and about how things work and how and what kind of husband and father that I need and want to be!! I know that it has been hard for you since it was your first one to go out, but Jaren won't be as hard. I know that you have grown and I can't wait to give you your hug, its been awhile! I am excited to see you and the rest of the bunch. I hope that you have been able to do all the preparations that you wanted to do before I got home and I am excited to see all the stuff that you planned for me haha!! Yeah I will try and call you, but yeah I am not sure about emailing next week. I will try and calling from London and Dallas. Have a good week mom and see you in a week!!!
Excerpts from Dad's email:
Well it's hard to put into words the feelings and emotions going through me right now. It hasn't really hit me yet that I am coming home. It's been a crazy and fun ride and journey. I wouldn't take it back for anything in the world and I am so happy I made the decision to make this journey. I am so grateful you and mom also made it with me. I know it must have been hard knowing what its like on my side and then experiences it from the other side. Its so crazy this is most likely my last email and I can't even believe it has come down to this. Everyone has to go through it and I am excited, but I am also sad just to leave this behind and move on with my life. I just hope that it has changed me for the best and hope that I can be a great husband and father like you have shown to me, mom and the kids. I can't thank you enough for all the support and willingness you have had to come with me down this road. I hope you will continue to support me with my future decisions about my professions and marriage and stuff. Your acceptance and support means everything to me and you have always been there for me and I never really expressed love for you as much as I should have. I know that this has changed me for the better and there is so much I can say, but just can't find the words or how to bring it out. I love you dad and I will see you in a week.
Love your son,
Elder Bryner