Email #13
Area: Pimville Zone 1
Companion: Elder Wambua
Hey Everyone,
Wow what an amazing week and how fast it went by is the craziest thing. I look back on the first week I got into the field and it feels like yesterday that I taught my first lesson and now I am leading the lessons and leading my area. It's so exciting and this week we taught 39 lessons and they are all quality lessons. We are trying to find the best investigators that will best keep their commitments and come to church, but it is hard sometimes because the chapel isn't in our area so its hard to get people to come to church. The people here are so different than back home. They will stare at you for at least a minute straight and even if you stare back they keep going. It's so funny because people look at me like I am a Moon Man or from Mars or something. I am the only white persons within a 30 mile radius and it makes me laugh so hard when people drive. They completely turn their heads around while they are driving and just keep staring. My presence in the area has almost caused accidents, because its just abnormal to see a white guy walking the streets of a township where there is only Africans. No worries they respect me, because they think that I am a policeman and think that when I walk into a house I am going to come out with someone in hand cuffs haha so funny.
Elder Bryner
Monday, January 27, 2014
Sunday, January 26, 2014
President & Sister Rebers Homecoming
Today our family & Cami had the pleasure of going to President & Sister Reber's homecoming. They were James's MTC President in Johannesburg. It was an amazing experience to hear them talk about the missionaries. The love and joy they had for these missionaries was unbelievable.
Sister Reber talked first. She told a number of stories about the missionaries that came through the MTC. The missionaries are suppose to arrive on Thursdays. Most arrive on time, but some come a little early and some come a little late. This story is about one missionary from the island of Fiji that arrived five days early on Sunday. He had never left Fiji before and was on his own. She said that the young elder arrived at the airport and looked all around for someone that would take him to the MTC. He looked at every sign that people were holding with names on them, but none were for him. He searched and searched, but there was no one there. There he was, all alone in a foreign country. He did not have any African currency and did not know how to use their phones. So after a while, he found a quiet place away from all the crowds and knelt down and said a prayer. After he was through, he walked back to the crowds and started looking again. Then he saw a man wearing a suit. He got really excited and walked over to him. He ask the man, "Who are you waiting for?" The man replied, "I'm waiting for my son to get back from a business trip." The elder was saddened that he was not waiting for him. The man asked, "Who are you looking for?" The young elder said "I am a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and no one is here to pick me up." The man told the elder that he was a member of the church and that he and his son would be on their way to church right after he got off the plane. He told him that their branch meets in the meeting house right on the MTC property and that they would take him to the MTC.
She also spoke of the different backgrounds that each missionary came from. Some missionaries arrive with two suit cases and a carry-on bag. All matching suit cases and nicely dressed. Those missionaries usually come from the US. Others arrive with a small tattered suit case with a broken handle and a missing wheel. She recalled a story about one sister missionary that when she arrived, she asked if she could use Sister Reber's sewing machine. Of course she said. As the sister missionary sat sewing her clothes, Sister Reber asked her "Tell me about your wardrobe?" The young sister missionary told her that "This skirt was given to me by the relief society president and this blouse was given to me by the branch presidents wife..." and so on. She described that eighty percent of her country was unemployed and she tried to find a job, but wasn't able to make any money. So she had no money to buy clothing for her mission and that all her clothing was donated to her, by her branch. They sat there together and hemmed some skirts by taking them in and letting others out. By the end, she had a wardrobe that she could now wear on her mission. She remembered another elder that came to the MTC in a suit that didn't quit fit and was very thin and well used. She asked him, "Elder, tell me about your suit?" The the young elder told her that he didn't have any money to buy clothes for his mission, so the branch president gave him his suit that he used on his mission.
Sister Reber told a couple of other stories and then President Reber got up to speak. As this elderly gentleman got up, he had a little difficulty standing and walking to the podium. His voice was kind and gentle. He first started talking about the MTC building and facilities. He described how the whole MTC building could fit into the chapel we were in. He spoke of when you walk into the MTC main doors was like where he was standing at the podium. That his office was right there at the entrance, so that he could see every missionary as they came in the door. "As you walked down the hall to the right was room seven and eight", he said. This is one of the rooms where the elders would stay. Each room had six to eight beds and had a bathroom. He continued to describe the entire MTC facility in great detail. Visually walking us through where our missionary stayed for his short time there while in the MTC. He also talked about how the grounds were surrounded with very sharp spiked fences and they had guards at the front entrance.
President Reber talked about how he and his assistant would sit down and talk to everyone of the missionaries that came through the MTC on a one on one basis. One question he asked each missionary was "Tell me about your family." As he described these missionaries and their experiences, you could see the love in his eyes and feel the compassion in his voice. He talked about how many of the missionaries come from very humble backgrounds. Some were the only ones in their family that were members of the church. Many of them were also the ones that had jobs and made the money for the families to live on. Some of the families were angry that they left and went on missions. He said that eight out of ten missionaries came from fatherless homes. There were many that had one or both parent die. He remembered one that lived on his on in a grass hut and decided to go on his mission when he was twenty-two.
He talked about how the couple missionaries were wonderful to have there in the mission field. Helping the branches and the other missionaries. He asked couples in the congregation to think about going on a mission. That South Africa was a wonderful place to serve the Lord. The mission work is going really well and that the Lord needs everyone to help bring all his children back to him.
After sacrament meeting, we briefly talked to them about James. They both remembered him and said he was a great young man. That he was going to do well on his mission. As we were standing talking to another family that had a missionary in there MTC, Sister Reber came back in to the chapel and asked if we were coming over to their house. She also asked if Jaela would like to ride over with them to their house. Jaela was really excited. The Rebers had one hundred and seventy-seven groups come through the MTC while they were there, almost one thousand missionaries. Coming from approximately thirty five different countries. The first part of their mission, the missionaries were there for three weeks. Once they changed the age, they also changed the amount of time in the MTC to twelve days. They had to teach the same things to them, but at a faster pace. When we went to their home, the told us that they has just gotten back home on Thursday. It was wonderful to walk in to their home and see on their walls, pictures of the groups of missionaries.
President Reber is a very humble man and genuinely seemed to love the missionaries and the work he did over in South Africa. Sister Reber is a very kind and loving woman that reminds me of my grandmas. She was very nice and sent us pictures and letters while he was there. I am very grateful to both of them for their willingness to serve our Heavenly Father for two years. To be there for James and help him adjust to missionary life. It was a short time to prepare, but they did a wonderful job in seeing that he was ready to go out into the mission field.
One interesting fact is that there were a lot of other families, one even came down from Idaho. One family we talked to was pronouncing the Reber's name wrong just like us. It is pronounced like 'web' with and 'R'. Sorry we were saying it wrong. :-)
Sister Reber talked first. She told a number of stories about the missionaries that came through the MTC. The missionaries are suppose to arrive on Thursdays. Most arrive on time, but some come a little early and some come a little late. This story is about one missionary from the island of Fiji that arrived five days early on Sunday. He had never left Fiji before and was on his own. She said that the young elder arrived at the airport and looked all around for someone that would take him to the MTC. He looked at every sign that people were holding with names on them, but none were for him. He searched and searched, but there was no one there. There he was, all alone in a foreign country. He did not have any African currency and did not know how to use their phones. So after a while, he found a quiet place away from all the crowds and knelt down and said a prayer. After he was through, he walked back to the crowds and started looking again. Then he saw a man wearing a suit. He got really excited and walked over to him. He ask the man, "Who are you waiting for?" The man replied, "I'm waiting for my son to get back from a business trip." The elder was saddened that he was not waiting for him. The man asked, "Who are you looking for?" The young elder said "I am a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and no one is here to pick me up." The man told the elder that he was a member of the church and that he and his son would be on their way to church right after he got off the plane. He told him that their branch meets in the meeting house right on the MTC property and that they would take him to the MTC.
She also spoke of the different backgrounds that each missionary came from. Some missionaries arrive with two suit cases and a carry-on bag. All matching suit cases and nicely dressed. Those missionaries usually come from the US. Others arrive with a small tattered suit case with a broken handle and a missing wheel. She recalled a story about one sister missionary that when she arrived, she asked if she could use Sister Reber's sewing machine. Of course she said. As the sister missionary sat sewing her clothes, Sister Reber asked her "Tell me about your wardrobe?" The young sister missionary told her that "This skirt was given to me by the relief society president and this blouse was given to me by the branch presidents wife..." and so on. She described that eighty percent of her country was unemployed and she tried to find a job, but wasn't able to make any money. So she had no money to buy clothing for her mission and that all her clothing was donated to her, by her branch. They sat there together and hemmed some skirts by taking them in and letting others out. By the end, she had a wardrobe that she could now wear on her mission. She remembered another elder that came to the MTC in a suit that didn't quit fit and was very thin and well used. She asked him, "Elder, tell me about your suit?" The the young elder told her that he didn't have any money to buy clothes for his mission, so the branch president gave him his suit that he used on his mission.
Sister Reber told a couple of other stories and then President Reber got up to speak. As this elderly gentleman got up, he had a little difficulty standing and walking to the podium. His voice was kind and gentle. He first started talking about the MTC building and facilities. He described how the whole MTC building could fit into the chapel we were in. He spoke of when you walk into the MTC main doors was like where he was standing at the podium. That his office was right there at the entrance, so that he could see every missionary as they came in the door. "As you walked down the hall to the right was room seven and eight", he said. This is one of the rooms where the elders would stay. Each room had six to eight beds and had a bathroom. He continued to describe the entire MTC facility in great detail. Visually walking us through where our missionary stayed for his short time there while in the MTC. He also talked about how the grounds were surrounded with very sharp spiked fences and they had guards at the front entrance.
President Reber talked about how he and his assistant would sit down and talk to everyone of the missionaries that came through the MTC on a one on one basis. One question he asked each missionary was "Tell me about your family." As he described these missionaries and their experiences, you could see the love in his eyes and feel the compassion in his voice. He talked about how many of the missionaries come from very humble backgrounds. Some were the only ones in their family that were members of the church. Many of them were also the ones that had jobs and made the money for the families to live on. Some of the families were angry that they left and went on missions. He said that eight out of ten missionaries came from fatherless homes. There were many that had one or both parent die. He remembered one that lived on his on in a grass hut and decided to go on his mission when he was twenty-two.
He talked about how the couple missionaries were wonderful to have there in the mission field. Helping the branches and the other missionaries. He asked couples in the congregation to think about going on a mission. That South Africa was a wonderful place to serve the Lord. The mission work is going really well and that the Lord needs everyone to help bring all his children back to him.
After sacrament meeting, we briefly talked to them about James. They both remembered him and said he was a great young man. That he was going to do well on his mission. As we were standing talking to another family that had a missionary in there MTC, Sister Reber came back in to the chapel and asked if we were coming over to their house. She also asked if Jaela would like to ride over with them to their house. Jaela was really excited. The Rebers had one hundred and seventy-seven groups come through the MTC while they were there, almost one thousand missionaries. Coming from approximately thirty five different countries. The first part of their mission, the missionaries were there for three weeks. Once they changed the age, they also changed the amount of time in the MTC to twelve days. They had to teach the same things to them, but at a faster pace. When we went to their home, the told us that they has just gotten back home on Thursday. It was wonderful to walk in to their home and see on their walls, pictures of the groups of missionaries.
President Reber is a very humble man and genuinely seemed to love the missionaries and the work he did over in South Africa. Sister Reber is a very kind and loving woman that reminds me of my grandmas. She was very nice and sent us pictures and letters while he was there. I am very grateful to both of them for their willingness to serve our Heavenly Father for two years. To be there for James and help him adjust to missionary life. It was a short time to prepare, but they did a wonderful job in seeing that he was ready to go out into the mission field.
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Sister Reber, Katrina & Sister Sylvester (a mom of one of the missionaries that flew to South Africa with James, her friend took them all around London.) |
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Cami talking with Brother & Sister Sylvester |
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All of us with President & Sister Reber |
One interesting fact is that there were a lot of other families, one even came down from Idaho. One family we talked to was pronouncing the Reber's name wrong just like us. It is pronounced like 'web' with and 'R'. Sorry we were saying it wrong. :-)
President & Sister Reber
Sandy, UT, USA
Monday, January 20, 2014
Lots of teaching and Temple trip
Email #12
Area: Pimville Zone 1
Companion: Elder Wambua
Hey Everyone,
This week was really good, we had 36 lessons and we could of had 40 lessons. People kept ditching and saying they had other things to do, this week hopefully we can make 40 plus. Our brother D___ was interviewed this week and he didn't make it so I think he is still having problems with the word of wisdom and other things, but hopefully we can help him. We set a new goal for Feb. 23. We went to the temple last week on Friday and was so inspiring and a great time. I was able to receive some great revelation but I'll keep it to myself for now. This week was so powerful and it may be hard, but I can feel the Lord's hands in the work that I am involved in. The kids went back to school and now there isn't that many kids roaming the streets during the day, but they are always there towards the end of the day. We have met some really promising people this week and some are families so it is great to see that. Transfers are in 2 weeks so I have been on my toes wondering if I will be staying or if I will stay another transfer or not, but we will see. The days are just blending together now and it's hard to remember what and who we taught. It's crazy when you just thought you taught that person, but it came time to your next appointment with them. When you work hard the time goes by so so fast and you don't even realize it has been a week already. One week at a time is what I'm trying to do.
My companion and I getting along great and we are just like brothers. We definitely do have our differences, but I just look past them and not look just at those things, but look at the things that make us get along. Yeah the groove is in place and I think pretty soon by the things I hear from my district leader and my companion that I will soon be training as well and that will be an experience for sure.
Elder Bryner
Elder Bryner's new Mission President is President Dunn. Here is a link to when they are opening their mission call: President & Sister Dunn
Area: Pimville Zone 1
Companion: Elder Wambua
Hey Everyone,
This week was really good, we had 36 lessons and we could of had 40 lessons. People kept ditching and saying they had other things to do, this week hopefully we can make 40 plus. Our brother D___ was interviewed this week and he didn't make it so I think he is still having problems with the word of wisdom and other things, but hopefully we can help him. We set a new goal for Feb. 23. We went to the temple last week on Friday and was so inspiring and a great time. I was able to receive some great revelation but I'll keep it to myself for now. This week was so powerful and it may be hard, but I can feel the Lord's hands in the work that I am involved in. The kids went back to school and now there isn't that many kids roaming the streets during the day, but they are always there towards the end of the day. We have met some really promising people this week and some are families so it is great to see that. Transfers are in 2 weeks so I have been on my toes wondering if I will be staying or if I will stay another transfer or not, but we will see. The days are just blending together now and it's hard to remember what and who we taught. It's crazy when you just thought you taught that person, but it came time to your next appointment with them. When you work hard the time goes by so so fast and you don't even realize it has been a week already. One week at a time is what I'm trying to do.
My companion and I getting along great and we are just like brothers. We definitely do have our differences, but I just look past them and not look just at those things, but look at the things that make us get along. Yeah the groove is in place and I think pretty soon by the things I hear from my district leader and my companion that I will soon be training as well and that will be an experience for sure.
Elder Bryner
Elder Bryner's new Mission President is President Dunn. Here is a link to when they are opening their mission call: President & Sister Dunn
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Elder Wambua,
Pimville 1 Area,
Pimville Zone 1, South Africa
Monday, January 13, 2014
Lots of tracting, Soweto Towers
Email #11
Area: Pimville Zone 1
Companion: Elder Wambua
D___ is progressing well and is changing he really is a good guy. The work is getting a little better and I try and do the best I can. It's crazy, but the days are actually starting to blend together and I can't remember what I actually did on that day. We went tracting so much this past week and have been finding a lot of new investigators and potential priesthood holders that are really promising but they need to actually need to come to church.
On Monday last week we went to the Soweto Towers and they bungee jump off of them, but obviously we can't but it was the coolest thing we took pictures and you can see everything. It was like being on top of the world. They are so cool looking with the painting all over them.
The new pres is Dunn I'll forward the email I received.
I cut everyone hair in our district and soon I'm going to open up a missionary saloon and start charging!! Kidding, but really I cut hair like a pro now!
So much is changing there I can't even believe it. It's so different not being there. All the time I wish I was, but so far on mission it has been really good and I'm almost done training and transfers are Feb. 4th and I might train or I might leave or I might stay with Elder Wambua it all depends on the Lord and what he wants done.
My favorite quote:
"Learn from the past, don't live in it."
-Elder Holland
I wouldn't change anything, because if we have changed things we wouldn't be where we are today. Things happen for a reason and it's all God's reason. There is nothing that I would change not now and not ever.
Elder Bryner
Area: Pimville Zone 1
Companion: Elder Wambua
D___ is progressing well and is changing he really is a good guy. The work is getting a little better and I try and do the best I can. It's crazy, but the days are actually starting to blend together and I can't remember what I actually did on that day. We went tracting so much this past week and have been finding a lot of new investigators and potential priesthood holders that are really promising but they need to actually need to come to church.
On Monday last week we went to the Soweto Towers and they bungee jump off of them, but obviously we can't but it was the coolest thing we took pictures and you can see everything. It was like being on top of the world. They are so cool looking with the painting all over them.
The new pres is Dunn I'll forward the email I received.
I cut everyone hair in our district and soon I'm going to open up a missionary saloon and start charging!! Kidding, but really I cut hair like a pro now!
So much is changing there I can't even believe it. It's so different not being there. All the time I wish I was, but so far on mission it has been really good and I'm almost done training and transfers are Feb. 4th and I might train or I might leave or I might stay with Elder Wambua it all depends on the Lord and what he wants done.
My favorite quote:
"Learn from the past, don't live in it."
-Elder Holland
I wouldn't change anything, because if we have changed things we wouldn't be where we are today. Things happen for a reason and it's all God's reason. There is nothing that I would change not now and not ever.
Elder Bryner
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Elder Wambua,
Elder Wilkerson,
Pimville 1 Area
Pimville Zone 1, South Africa
Monday, January 6, 2014
A New Year and an Upcoming Baptism
Email #10
Area: Pimville Zone 1
Companion: Elder Wambua
Hey Everyone,
The work is doing okay. We have this one guy named D--- he will be baptized on the 26th of this month and the first Sunday after we taught tithing he paid his tithing. So powerful! We had interviews with pres that was definitely an experience. He is one powerful man he knows so much and the feeling when you get when you look into his eyes is like you are looking into the eyes of Christ with the love and appreciation he has for each of us he truly treats us as if we were his own sons.
Another year gone and another one started. I always think to myself what the future holds for everyone. Where everyone will be? What will everything look like? It has been a hard week for me as well. Not being home for New Years was tough and different. We did a fire out by our flat and we watched to fireworks so that was nice. I guess pres has a lot of trust in me for giving me a new trainer only being a month on mission but that's what my companion said but we will see. This week will be good, a new week with more appointments. Make some new years resolutions and goals for this year that is what we have been teaching some people it is nice!
Excerpts from Mom's email regarding Jordan and Abby's little angel:
She was only 2 days old and she was called back, that tells you the kind of spirit she is if she only had a body for 2 days. Yeah it will be hard for them for awhile, but you are right they both are very strong people and they know the power of the Plan Of Salvation. I hope they can continue on and maybe have another one if they feel they are ready. I will definitely keep them in my prayers and send my regards to them for me please.
Elder Bryner
Area: Pimville Zone 1
Companion: Elder Wambua
Hey Everyone,
The work is doing okay. We have this one guy named D--- he will be baptized on the 26th of this month and the first Sunday after we taught tithing he paid his tithing. So powerful! We had interviews with pres that was definitely an experience. He is one powerful man he knows so much and the feeling when you get when you look into his eyes is like you are looking into the eyes of Christ with the love and appreciation he has for each of us he truly treats us as if we were his own sons.
Another year gone and another one started. I always think to myself what the future holds for everyone. Where everyone will be? What will everything look like? It has been a hard week for me as well. Not being home for New Years was tough and different. We did a fire out by our flat and we watched to fireworks so that was nice. I guess pres has a lot of trust in me for giving me a new trainer only being a month on mission but that's what my companion said but we will see. This week will be good, a new week with more appointments. Make some new years resolutions and goals for this year that is what we have been teaching some people it is nice!
Excerpts from Mom's email regarding Jordan and Abby's little angel:
She was only 2 days old and she was called back, that tells you the kind of spirit she is if she only had a body for 2 days. Yeah it will be hard for them for awhile, but you are right they both are very strong people and they know the power of the Plan Of Salvation. I hope they can continue on and maybe have another one if they feel they are ready. I will definitely keep them in my prayers and send my regards to them for me please.
Elder Bryner
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Elder Wambua,
Elder Wilkerson,
Pimville 1 Area
Pimville Zone 1, South Africa
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