Email #11
Area: Pimville Zone 1
Companion: Elder Wambua
D___ is progressing well and is changing he really is a good guy. The work is getting a little better and I try and do the best I can. It's crazy, but the days are actually starting to blend together and I can't remember what I actually did on that day. We went tracting so much this past week and have been finding a lot of new investigators and potential priesthood holders that are really promising but they need to actually need to come to church.
On Monday last week we went to the Soweto Towers and they bungee jump off of them, but obviously we can't but it was the coolest thing we took pictures and you can see everything. It was like being on top of the world. They are so cool looking with the painting all over them.
The new pres is Dunn I'll forward the email I received.
I cut everyone hair in our district and soon I'm going to open up a missionary saloon and start charging!! Kidding, but really I cut hair like a pro now!
So much is changing there I can't even believe it. It's so different not being there. All the time I wish I was, but so far on mission it has been really good and I'm almost done training and transfers are Feb. 4th and I might train or I might leave or I might stay with Elder Wambua it all depends on the Lord and what he wants done.
My favorite quote:
"Learn from the past, don't live in it."
-Elder Holland
I wouldn't change anything, because if we have changed things we wouldn't be where we are today. Things happen for a reason and it's all God's reason. There is nothing that I would change not now and not ever.
Elder Bryner
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