Email #29
Area: Cosmo City
Companion: Elder Kwabaisi
Hey Everyone,
Great week, but kinda slow! no worries because we had a baptism!!! Yeah the first one in a while. I sent some pics home so hope you enjoy!! Brother Mfano and Lucille Mbonambi were the two that were baptized and they are married and have 2 children. One is 4 and the other one is 14 and attends another church, but now that his parents have found the true church and have made covenants it is just a matter of time. The son will find the truth and join his family!!! There was another man baptized and he was a white guy. You will never find a white guy in a township, but the one that was in Cosmo City we found him. The other Elders were the ones who taught him, but it was amazing to witness such a thing. They each have such powerful testimonies and now they are part of the kingdom!! We have more baptisms coming on June 8th. We might have 6 and the other elders might have 2. So now we are going to have to go and do more finding and many more referrals from members. We have found that the best way to find the best investigators is thought the members and that way they have someone to fellowship them as well!! The work is really starting to progress now and we are finally seeing the fruits of our labors!!! The church is true and there is no doubt in my mind about that. We went to a lady that has Thyroid cancer and we gave her a blessing. She will just have to have faith that the meds that she takes and the hand and power of God she may be healed from such a terrible trial. We also gave a priesthood blessing to the daughter of the people who were baptized. She was developing tonsillitis or however you spell it, but she wasn't able to talk when we went to give her the blessing. When we came back 2 days later, it was like that she was never even sick in the first place. I see the hand of God in every aspect of my life and I pray that he never ceases to put His hand in all of our lives!!!! Training is going so well and I am definitely enjoying it so much. It does take patience, because of the things that he asks are just common sense, but hey who am I to compare I asked the same questions to my trainer as well!!!!
Another random person showed to church and said that they want to be baptized. The day of the baptism on this past Sunday, he was there and he said "Is there any way that I could be baptized with those people?" So God is just placing people in our lap and it just makes the work so much easier. One of the guys that was baptized Peter, the white guy is just giving us referral after referral which is so so nice!!!! The food is great and I don't mind just eating rice and chicken now hhahahah!!!!
Elder Bryner
Elder Bryner and Elder Kwabaisi with the new members. |
Elder Compton & Elder Ajei with the new members |
Elder Bryner dancing with the kids at the preschool (crush) |
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