Email #31
Area: Cosmo City
Companion: Elder Kwabaisi
Hey Everyone,
Another good week and this week went by faster than last week!! Transfers are next week and we have a zone conference this Saturday is my greeny first one on mission, so he is really excited for that!! Wow I remember my first one, haha not too long ago actually! Time really is going and it isn't waiting for me and just keeps going like that!!! It really does feel like yesterday that I was in the airport and meeting all the other Elders and traveling on the plane for miles and miles. Finally getting the MTC and just really enjoying the time that I have!! For those that wish that they were just all grown up and just on their own you better think twice about that, because becoming an adult with responsibilities and stress and all these crazy things is just something that makes you wish that you could go back and do it all over again!!!! Take time to appreciate how young you are and don't jump to the end. Enjoy the journey that takes you there!!!
We didn't get to do the service this week because the branch president canceled for some reasons, but hopefully that we will be able to do it in the near future!! We did get to clean that members car and she really appreciated it haha! It was a BMW so I enjoyed cleaning it haha!!! She came out saying that it looked brand new, so we did our job on cleaning the car!!! We have some more promising investigators and they continue to progress and make more return appointments with us so that makes us really happy!!!! Baptisms are this week so that is something that we are looking forward to and we should have 4 so that will be a great turn out if all of them make it!!!
Elder Bryner
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