Email #36
Area: Cosmo City
Companion: Elder Kwabaisi
Hey Everyone,
A GOOD WEEK! We had everyone confirmed yesterday and I got to participate and do one myself, so that was a cool experience it was my first time so it was a good learning experience as well. This week is service week haha! Washing three cars, Painting a house and a wall, doing a garden and some more may come, but it will be a hectic and productive week! We had a good day at church yesterday from 17 investigators down to 2 haha some were not there and the others are now Recent Converts, but I am not complaining. When we baptized in May, Cosmo had not had a baptism since last December so the Lord is blessing us with success with our efforts. We now have baptized 11 and we hope before we leave one another we baptize 10 more haha. It is quite a goal, but with faith it can be done! We didn't expect to have this many and my goal to have 10 before I left has already been achieved so dream big and don't under estimate yourself and God especially. We are finding some more people and we should be having good amount here in a week or so with more teaching and finding! We are teaching most of Sister Dorcus's children now and one of them is a music producer and trying to help others reach their music dreams. It is in Cosmo where he is doing it and the studio is in his mom's house in a small room, he is making the most of it! That is my week in a short and exciting message and I hope all are well and you are reaching your dreams and accomplishing your goals!
Elder Bryner
Excerpts from Mom's email:
The Dunn's are so great and they are what I imagined and so much more and I am really going to enjoy the time with them seriously!!! It is funny because we live 5 min. from them in Utah! They both have that love for the missionaries for sure. We sit with our boot (trunk) open with pamphlets and all the material, outside of a shopping center called Shoprite and it is the only place that is in the area. EVERYONE comes there and we have been finding like that a little bit and it was inspired for sure haha! It is pretty cold and getting warmer a little bit, but most nights it is pretty cold I might say! Today we are going to play sports and Braii (BBQ). I really do know without a doubt this work is the work of the Lord and that we are called to the very place by inspiration and that this church is the only way we can have eternal happiness!
Excerpts from Dad's email:
The week was really good and we are just growing so much and yesterday at church we almost didn't have enough chairs to fit everyone in the chapel, but there was a baby blessing as well. I am just enjoying my mission so much and it is just a crazy experience. This week we are doing some more service for some members and the BOM challenge is starting to work so that is good. Members are bringing in referrals now and so it should start to pick up.
Email from a Senior couple:
My husband and I are serving as senior missionaries in the same branch your son is serving. He is doing a terrific job! We are very impressed by his hard work and focus. He loves the people and they love him. He and his companion work well together and are having great success. You probably heard they baptized 7 people last week. I was trying to imagine your joy if you had been there and seen your son standing in the baptismal font with his hand to the square and saying, "Having been commissioned of Jesus Christ." You can be very happy about your son's mission. I am an eye witness of his heartfelt efforts and wanted to let you know.
With love,
Sister Shupe