Email #38
Area: Cosmo City
Companion: Elder Kwabaisi
Hey Everyone,
Well I am done in Cosmo City and it is time for me to go somewhere else and preach the gospel to others that are ready and prepared. This place is much harder to leave than my first area and to be completely honest, it is almost as hard or harder to leave than when I left home. I didn't have these kind of feelings when I left home, but this is something different. There is one family that I have seen grow from the beginning and wow did they grow. Only 2 are left that are waiting to be baptized and there are 5 in the family, but no father but the strength that they have is none like I have ever seen, the Amanda family. We have developed such a strong relationship it is almost impossible to say goodbye, but today will be just a see you later because I am coming back here no matter what it takes I need to come back. I was honored and entrusted with being able to see 11 be baptized in this area and was able to baptize 5 and those are moments and people that I hold close to me! There is so much work to be done and I hope that when I return that this place will be a ward, but now it is just in the process. The members here remind me a lot of my home ward. That is why it is so hard to leave. This is my home. This is my family. Something that I have grown to know is that if you don't leave an area feeling like that you are leaving home, you are not fulfilling your role and call as a missionary. A member told me that she forgot sometimes that I was even a missionary and thought that I was just another member of the branch. That is when I knew that my purpose was fulfilled and I have been here for 6 months so I really became a citizen and a member of the Cosmo City!
Elder Bryner
Excerpts from Mom's email:
The sisters here in Cosmo have treated me as there own son so that is why I want you to meet them so much! The bad days are there but the good days triumph over the bad haha! I love the mission song and I hope that the missionaries that are home come to my homecoming because I am one of the last ones of the year so that would be so cool to be able to do that! My next area will be a challenge from what I feel but it will make me grow! It is sad that I have to leave and I was tearing up bearing my testimony for the last time and I didn't even cry or anything when I gave my farewell talk. I really see that God has placed me here for a reason and you were right I think that if I was not emergency transferred here, I wouldn't have ever come here. I want you to be able to meet these people and just see for yourself where all my joy and love is coming from! But it is my time to go. It is hard to keep myself together as I type haha such a baby! Time is going so fast and I can't even believe it!
Excerpts from Dad's email:
I really got attached and love this people! It is good and bad, but if I don't feel like that I am leaving my family and home each area then I am not fulfilling my purpose as a missionary and a brother to these people! I have seen so many lives change and I don't take credit for any of it because I am just a vehicle, a servant and a tool of the Lord and He is the one who does all the work. I am just lucky enough to be there to see such miracles! I knew on a mission doing the right thing and being obedient is the only way you should live your life! If someone especially the Lord entrusts you with a responsibility you shouldn't let them down and be disappointed! My feelings are off the wall about leaving I could just stay here my entire mission, but I told mom that I want you to meet these people and you will see first hand where my joy and love comes from and why it is so hard to leave this great place.
So happy for James, but sad that he has to leave people that he has grown to love like family. Way to go! Chelbi wonders if you can send one of those cute little kids home to us?!? Keep up the good work!
ReplyDeleteYay for Elder Bryner! So happy to see these pictures and his bright smiling face! Miss ya'll!