Email #50
Area: Secunda
Companion: Elder Willombe
Hey Everyone,
It was a really good week this week. We had a few lessons, but the highlight of the week was that we put Synthia and her husband on date for the 28th of December. We are really looking forward to the baptism. She told us that night, she said Elder Bryner you know something that I was thinking about one night is that I am not baptized the way Christ was. I know now if I am not baptized that way I won't be able to see my 2 daughters and I also won't be able to go to the temple. She loves and wants to go to the temple, because we have talked about all the work that happens in the temple. She asked us last night if she had died before she got baptized and said that she won't be able to see her daughters. I told her if that were to happen that I would personally make sure that your names and your daughter were baptized and sealed to you. She knows this is the way, but she still needs some time to really understand what the church is all about. The husband wants to be baptized as well, but I asked him if he was doing it for himself or just because your wife said that you should. So that is something we left for him to think about. This is the reason for me coming to Secunda and it didn't matter how many or what the reason was. As soon as I met Synthia on the street, I knew she was the reason and told my companion that she would be baptized and she also wants her daughter to be baptized next year when she turns 8.
Other than that we are trying to find other people in Kinross. Secunda is doing well and we met with another father led and his name is Isaac. He seems to be a really sweet guy and had one of the most powerful lessons I have been in, in the top 5. Transfer is Tuesday and my comp is leaving and I am excited to get a new and am praying that he is good and I can get along with him. I feel good that I am staying here in Secunda and I am not ready to leave yet. The teaching is struggling a bit, but it will pick back up soon, it goes into slumps so its normal. The weather is changing it has rained a few times really hard. Like Friday, it rained super hard and hopefully this week I can send home some pics I will try. The stadium was too far, same with everything around here. We are very secluded, but I like it just us four out here. Yeah Elder Wilkerson had been wanting to got to a village since he was in Pimville and that is what he told me when we were together. My son left Cosmo and got ET out of there about 3 weeks ago. I called him to see how he was doing and was gone so he likes his new area. Elder Widdison went home last week too, because of his back it was giving him pain and stuff. It is too much to write a general so you can pick stuff out to put on the blog if that works.
Elder Bryner
Excerpt from Dad's email:
I have gotten really good at typing and I am pretty fast now so that is a plus. It costs about 40 rand to refill (the data on the modem), but this week we didn't have to so we will see. Yeah the monthly money we get that is what emailing goes towards, but it is fine I manage to write everyone so I can't complain.... No Futhi didn't come but hopefully he will again. Jaela is getting huge and I don't even recognize her haha she looks so old now. Yeah time is going by really fast and I don't even believe that I am a year old this month. It feels like yesterday that I was leaving home and got to the airport and headed up the escalator and through security. It just doesn't seem real at times and other times it seems like it won't ever end, but most of the time I think to myself I wish I could stay on mission forever. I want to come back here so bad and just spend some time here. So I hope that I can save and do all that. I want to come back here with previous comps or some guys that were in my district and plan to come back here and do stuff. I guess we'll see what happens. But anyways I am doing okay the teaching is in a slump, but hopefully it will pick back up soon.
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