Email #67
Area: Motupa
Companion: Elder Kalani
Excerpts from Mom's email:
Hope your week is going well, so far and it is so good to see that Jaela took first place at her comp!!! It has been crazy with all that is going on and of course I knew that if you didn't get another email from someone saying something that you would have a nervous break down haha. So today I got a little minute to write you and so I am doing good and it is good. That is cool about the Elder that is in the salt lake mission. I think I might have met her, but I am not quite to sure on that one. I have met a few people from the Randburg area. Transfers are next week so that was a fast 6 weeks and just insane how fast time is going. I am almost to 8 months to go I think, but in April when my trainer goes home. I will be counting 6 months to sexy. So I got six months to be beach ready even though, I am not coming to beach weather. It will be easier for me to maintain it for the season haha we will see how determined I will actually be!! We went to see a hippo and other natural places. I took lots of pics so check em out!!!! blog it to let the world see what I am seeing. Its so crazy to see how fantastic the world is and what God created just amazing. A place called God's window and another place I can't remember the name, but got pics of it. Hope you enjoy them. I hope to do some stuff with Elder Johnson when I get home and even to plan and come back to SA sometime hopefully soon after I get home, but we will see how the planning goes.
Still trying to find more people, but we are trying as I said hopefully God helps us out and shows us the way. We still teach everyone we have been and they are all doing really well and progressing well and on their way to making baptism dates, so wish us luck on that one.
Excerpts from Dad's email:
It was a crazy two weeks not being able to send any emails or anything. But I finally got a chance to come today and do it. It is hectic with eight missionaries here and we have to use 2 computers, but we manage. It is hard to email also when we go and do something, but it was so much fun this past Monday. We went to a trained hippo like it was raised from the beginning of birth. When she was found, she still had the cord attached to the mom. But there was a flood and a ranger found it long time ago. She is now 14 and 1500 kg so big. We got to feed her and everything it was so cool. Her name is Jessica the hippo, go look her up and find out all about her.
I have given one talk since I have been here when Elder Downs was here. We still teach Monica, a lady that me and Elder Downs found while walking. She hasn't been to church yet, but hopefully next week. Its still crazy hot out here. Something else, we were in Sunday school and talking about the plan of salvation and the part about resurrection and the teacher is one of the young men. So he needed to know how to spell it right... so our group leader who is a teacher I might add and acts like he knows everything. He boldly came out and said REZ and I said WHAT!!! hahahahhah no its RES. We all were laughing so bad, I couldn't believe it. Yeah that was something that was pretty funny!!!! I am doing good still and hoping that I stay up here another transfer with Elder Kalani, but things well you never know what is going to happen. So yeah pray for me that I stay here. I really love it up here although it is way hot I love it still. Well that is all I had for you and sorry for all the confusion with what is going on and not emailing and all that.