Email #69
Area: Motupa
Companion: Elder Kalani
Hey Everyone,
This week was hectic wow. It was such a crazy week with everything that happened. Tuesday was transfers and Elder Kalani was made district leader. So with that came other things. We spent the whole day filling a big jojo tank that holds the water for our church. We made 6 trips to the same place where we got water the first time which is about 3 or so kilometers from the chapel. We filled 108 20 liter buckets that made 2160 liters for the baptism on Sunday. We spent 11:30 am. until 6:30 pm filling the tank and we finally got it filled and out of the way. So there is a new missionary and he doesn't know how to drive a stick so I taught him and by Wednesday he thought he knew how and felt comfortable to do it in his area which we thought wasn't a good idea, for his and others safety. So him and his comp thought that we needed the car so we told them that the other elders would take them and pick them up. They asked where we were when we had taken the car. They were not happy so they called the zone leaders complaining that they have to walk and that they need the car. Long story short that was just a mess and everyday there is new drama that Elder Kalani has to deal with and being his companion, I get to take it with him. We finally got to Sunday and that was the day that nothing could make it bad. Haha it was about 2 minutes before sacrament meeting starts and our group leader comes to us and says can you guys give a talk today. We had 10 minutes to throw something together, haha so that was an interesting 10 minutes with my mind going around all places trying to think what to speak about. Lucky one of our fine young men was sitting by me and said just speak about prayer and it all worked out great. Elder Kalani spoke about modesty and language, so all was well in the end. The baptism went great and no problems with anything. The tank was leaking so we thought that the water would be out by the time it was ready to go, but it all stayed in. It started raining right as the people that give the talks about baptism and holy ghost and our roof is a tin sheet, so you can imagine what that was like to try and listen to what they are saying. So we baptized in the rain so that was pretty cool. But yeah that was the week short and sweet.
Elder Bryner
Excerpts from Mom's email:
Yeah Elder Johnson is a way cool guy and I will for sure keep in touch with him. I got your package and that was nice!!! So for future if you get more sent try not to add so much candy and stuff because I am trying to eat better and workout and everything haha! But I could give the kids the candy, haha they love sweets!! I got some package from some family or something and I don't know them. I'm not sure of the name of the lady that you are writing on facebook that lives in Randburg, but it started with a or p, maybe it was Paukaar or something like that. They gave me a shirt and some other food and stuff so that was really nice. I also got a package from grandma with the sour patches candy, so let her know. It is still a little hot, but yesterday and today was cooler so that was nice. I hope that you have a good week and tell Jaela congrats and keep it up!!
Getting water for the baptism. |
Elder Bryner and Elder Kalani loading buckets to fill the baptismal font. |
Elder Kalani and Elder Bryner with the new members before the baptism. |
Elder and Sister Campbell with the new members. |
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