Email #71
Area: Motupa
Companion: Elder Kalani
Excerpts from Mom's email:
It was a good week and it went by so fast, I can hardly remember what happened. Not much but here is what I got. Well today we went to one of the neighboring areas to get kota, a South African burger. I will have to try and make it for you guys when I get home. Then we went on a little hike which was very nice. Then we went and played pool for a few hours and I may say that I am getting pretty good haha. Yeah my companion loves pool and has played it back home so he loves to play any chance he gets and we have become a good team and probable could take anyone haha. We played about 5 games and won 4 of them against the other elders, but it was a pretty fun pday. I haven't had one like that in a long time. It was really hot today too. Friday we had zone meeting and talked about diligence and stuff like that. Unfortunately it is the same stuff we have every meeting. Hopefully they can change it up and make it more fun next time. This Saturday we have another zone conference, the second one since I have been up here.
Dang thats a lot of questions haha, so I will try to answer some of them. I don't know what PNA means. We haven't talked to Monica in a bit, we are giving her some more space. [Do you get to help the Meldrums teach that lady?] No we don't help teach, we are just there to help to clarify any questions that she may have. She is getting baptized this Sunday as well as the nephew so that will be great. The pics [last week] on the bike were taken at an investigators house in the village. That is what the little kids ride around on. The weather is hot and cold at night and during the day it gets pretty hot still, but recently it has been hot the past few days.
Excerpts from Dad's email:
So I have heard that a group that came out after me has been moved up to go home the same time that my group does. I am going to see what that means, because sometimes if there are too many missionaries going home all at the same time they might send some home a little bit early. If that is the case, I want to see if I can come a little bit early. That way I can go hunting and its fine if you put in already, doesn't matter as long as I get to go. That is just up in the air right now and I want to clarify with Pres Dunn before making final plans of course.