Email #70
Area: Motupa
Companion: Elder Kalani
Excerpts from Mom's email:
Not much to report on this week, but we had the confirmation of those two that got baptized and that was really cool. I was able to confirm the boy that I baptized so that was really cool. We had a good week and hope this next one is good too. We haven't used the towels, haha it has been a little cold for those. I will hold on to it of course and bring it home and use it and my comp said he will use it at home!
The week is always busy now, but its okay it comes with it! Well we are trying to teach the mother of Moyabo, the 11 year old that is really smart and it is kinda hard but well get there. I am not sure if we told you about the lady that works at PNA, but she met the Campbell's and said that she wants to come to church. We haven't been able to meet with her this week. We met her like 2 weeks ago for the first time at home, but it's hard to get back with her as well as this other lady that we were teaching named Monica. She went to Pretoria and came back and hasn't called us, but we will try again this week. There are some people that just need to have some space to breathe you know.
We put a recent convert's nephew/son on date this week for the 15th of March with this other lady that the Meldrum's are teaching named Nancy, she is really cool. That's all I have for you. I know its short, but I hope that you are doing good and can keep holdin on only 7 months to go about!! I will talk to you next week!
Elder Bryner
Elder Bryner, Elder Downs and their newest convert |
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