Email #89
Area: Kwa Guqa
Companion: Elder McClellan
Excerpts from Mom's email:
It's so crazy how much time that I have left and it doesn't feel like a 100 days. Yeah I see the light at the end of the tunnel haha. Yeah I hope it goes by slow, but it won't because I know not to keep track so it will fly. But I hope I stay (in this area), really it will help me and moving places just hurts me and makes me want to come home even more. That is just the sweetest thing that she (Jaela) misses me that much, I never knew that she did that much. It was hard for me as well and her being my only sister it was even harder, but I'm happy that she has made it this far. The week was good, we had good lessons and got to see most of our people. We still haven't seen Mimie this week, but hopefully this week we can see her. She just hasn't been home and it might be hard this week, because school is starting today. But other than that, it was a same week. I'm going to try and send some pics home today, so this one has to be short. But I love you and send greetings to Kerry and Trish. Have a good week mom and I love you!!
Excerpts from Dad's email:
This week was good and it flew by like nothing and each week just keeps getting faster. Yeah our MP is so cool I really like him and it sounds like he doesn't like you to have short areas, so its nice so I might have a higher chance of staying here. It's so crazy that I have 3 (mission presidents) and its really nice that they are all from Utah. It will make things easier for reunions and stuff. College sounds unreal and it freaks me out, but I excited as well to go. It will be nice to meet a bunch of people and there are some people here that want to come to the states to study so I might meet up with them. Yeah I'm going to try this week to send pics so the email will be short but I'm doing really good and enjoying it still. The week was a bit normal like any other week and we haven't seen anyone new, but the bishop has some proposals to start a branch in a nearby area and the other missionaries will have to work there. We will have to take their side of Kwaguqa if that happens, but it still has to go to the seventies to get approved. The stake pres is meeting with our MP this week to discuss things, so I think they will be talking about us going to work in that part of the area, it's called Ackerville. Things are going well haha. My comp is ready to go home, we go home the same time. But I am doing good and love it and don't want to leave, but I hope your doing good. I hope you have a good week and I love you!!!
Elder Bryner
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