Area: Pimville Zone 1
Companion: Elder Wiltse
Hey everyone! This is Elder Bryner reporting from Africa!! Everything is going really good. I had to wait about a week and a half to write back. I'm all settled into the apartment, but they call it a flat so if I say flat you know what I'm talking about. The flat is definitely different than I expected, but I managed to do some rearranging and cleaning to make it more my style. It's been a long week and it took awhile for it to sink in and I'm still in the process of getting used to everything. The first day that I got out of the MTC I went right to my first lesson. HOLY COW it was so different and did not expect it. It went really well though and I was able to bear my testimony to people that needed to hear it. The spirit is so strong in our lessons and it makes me feel so great to teach the people the truth. This past week we had at least 5 to 6 lessons a day and it was 1 every hour. One of the lessons we got into a Bible bash with some Jehovah witnesses and that was on my second day out into the field and the first day we were on bikes and it rained on us so the Lord is definitely testing my faith. I stayed pretty busy, but when we got back to the flat time just stopped! I thought it would never come time to go to bed and waking up was so hard. Their language here is so unique and I am already picking up on how to say hello and thank you. I ride a bike every other day so I won't be getting to fat any time soon hopefully. I'm in the area of Pimville and my companion's name is Elder Wiltse! He's from Canada and has been our for almost 4 months. He's a very good teacher and I learn a lot from him! I rely on the Lord every second because the area is definitely pretty crazy! It's really fun though and a new experience and so far I have enjoyed it. I pray every second of the day for the guidance I need and the safety of my loved ones! so yeah that's you guys!! I can feel the blessings that you are getting and heaven is just pouring them out over you! This past week has been the hardest week of my entire life so far but it's taught me so much. Keep pressing forward is my missionary motto. Today is a sacrifice but the greatest investment I will ever make - Gordon B. Hinkley! Don't give up ever and love everyday that the Lord gives to you. I pray for you all always and am always thinking of you! I love you all so much and take care!
Elder Bryner
My bed is on the right |
My desk |
Elder Wiltse is in the red shirt. |
African moon |
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