Email #20
Area: Cosmo City
Companion: Elder Perez
Hey Everyone,
Another week came and gone just like that! Not too much has happened this week just the same old same old. haha but the work is going good. We are trying our best and that's all that God asks of us. As long as we are doing what we are supposed to be doing then there is nothing to worry about and know that He is working in His own time.
Being prepared is the best way to know that what ever thing that He places before you that you will be able to overcome that thing. We do not know what lies before us as long as we are prepared there is nothing to fear. If we have faith, He will provide a way and prepare a way for us to accomplish the thing that He has commanded us to do.
I am in a car now and we walk every other day. We share a car with 2 other missionaries that are in an area next to ours. There is Cosmo 1 and 2. We don't have bikes so we get to walk which is definitely nice. We came in contact with a man about 45 and was a former Apostle of the 12 Apostolic church one that had formed in the days of apostasy. But anyways he seems very interested. He had something happen to him where he came very close with God. He didn't share his experience but apparently in the church that he was in he couldn't go to the hospital that if anyone was sick or anything even bleeding to death they couldn't go the the hospital. They had to use the "holy water" that you could only get from the church. Just another way to get money. He has a wife and kids I think so it's a father led family which is always good, we love families!!
It rains like a sucker here. Holy cow I have never seen so much rain. It has been raining not stop for like a week straight and it stopped and even now it is raining hard as ever. It needs it here, they have not to much water its Africa so yeah much is needed.
Elder Bryner
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