Monday, March 10, 2014

New Companion, Zone conference and a challenge

Email #19
Area: Cosmo City
Companion: Elder Perez

Hey Everyone,

Another week gone by. Not too fast, but a Monday is here. A lot has changed but its part of what we do in this life, change we just have to get used to and know that it is going to happen. We just had a Zone conference and it was really great to see a lot of the Elders I haven't seen in awhile. The area is a little difficult at times, because we don't know much of the area and where every investigator lives but we are managing because of God. He really does help us with our stress and gives us comfort and peace. We talked to this Less Active this past week and she said she is waiting for a sign. She said she knows the Book of Mormon is true, Church is true, but won't come to church.

We live by the North gate mall and area really needs some work. Still eating sandwiches and we eat pizza and we went to this way good Mexican place last week it was so good!!! It's different with a companion that is really old on mission sometimes it does get hard, because he talks about home a ton and he goes home in October, so I will be a year when he goes home. He is from Colorado and is 16 months on mission and is a district leader. He is a great teacher and knows the Bible really well, which comes in handy with these people because that is all they know. The great thing is we had 10 investigators at church yesterday and that was a huge thing and mostly because that the chapel/canisters are in our area haha. If you look, the chapel are metal storage containers, but nothing is different about the spirit you feel let me tell you that.

Mission President told us at Zone conference to do a challenge. The 86 day Book of Mormon reading challenge. We started yesterday and will finish June 2. So I challenge all to join in and it is 6 pages a day. Not a race but to really gain a testimony and really know that it's true. Mark passages that stand out to you "answers to the soul" About the Atonement and the mission and life of Jesus Christ. It's not to see how fast you can read but how much you get out of reading it. Its what you put in, is what you are going to get out. Pray before you read and ask that the Spirit will attend you as you read.

2 Nephi 31:3
Read this passage and you will understand the purpose of reading with a purpose. Where much is given, much is required. Never lose you your faith, never doubt your faith, believe in your faith and never lose hope.

Elder Bryner

He loves Mexican food

Chicken Fajita Burrito

MMM!!! Found some good stuff.

New apartment & pants :-)

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