Email #48
Area: Secunda
Companion: Elder Wilombe
Hey Everyone,
Sorry for this week, but the internet is not on our side this week. We are having some great difficulties with the connection and we have to buy it every week and it seems to just be draining out every Monday. It is getting too expensive, so we are going to try and figure out what is going on. We only have enough data to send each one email to our parents, so don't be too disappointed and I wanted to be able to let you know that I am still alive and breathing. So yeah, hope you and the fam are doing well. Thank you and love you have a good week!!
Elder Bryner
Monday, September 29, 2014
Bad internet
Elder Wilombe,
Secunda, Secunda, South Africa
Monday, September 22, 2014
God has granted us the gift of the Priesthood, so use it wisely
Email #47
Area: Secunda
Companion: Elder Wilombe
Hey Everyone,
This week was long and not too much happened. It was just one of those weeks where no one pitches up at the appointments and they say they are too busy and have to reschedule. But nevertheless we are done with that week and on with the next one. There were some highlights of the week. Just one event that sticks out in my mind this week was a priesthood blessing that I participated in. So there was this lady that is friends with some members and she is a less active herself and her daughters as well. It turns out that she has been less active for about 20 years or since her mother passed away. So we met on Thursday and the daughter wanted a blessing. She is 6 months pregnant and the baby was not growing correctly. Her head was not proportionate to the body, so it was a rare case. Brother Fourie is friends with these people and has been branch Pres. here 3 times and he has been a member here for a very long time. So he wanted us to come with him to give a blessing to this lady. I offered to do the anointing and something that Brother Fourie said after I was finished was that it was the most perfecting anointing that he has ever heard. I thought to myself that I remember saying those words, but to say it perfectly, haaaah not me.! I knew at that point that it wasn't me who was anointing! The priesthood is real and I have experienced it first hand. We saw the less active on Saturday, 2 days later and to my amazement the baby's head had grown and now it is just that the body is small. She still has 3 months of pregnancy, so the baby has plenty of time to grow. Also, they have been trying to have kids for quite sometime. They previous had 3 miss carriages, so this baby to have a miracle growth is just a faith and testimony builder for this less active. Everyone always has some miraculous story about how they saw some amazing things on their mission and this is mine. I have already seen miracles in my mission, but not this quickly and so dramatic. We only have the authority of God, not the power. The example of a light switch and electricity helps my mind grasp the meaning of this great gift. If you turn on a light switch you are given the authority to turn it on or off, but you do not have the power to turn it on or off. The source is the only one with the power which is the electric company and will only turn on if you have payed the bills. So in the case of the priesthood, we have the authority to turn on or off the light in a sense. God is the source of the power and if we have payed our bills or have the faith he will show us that power and give us light. There is a Mormon message from Elder Holland that talks about staying sanctified and ready for when you might have to use the priesthood in a life or death situation. We don't know when we will need the priesthood, but God has granted us that gift so use it wisely and be ready when it is needed.
Elder Bryner
Excerpts from Mom's email:
So we haven't seen Lerato in awhile, she is having some family problems. So she moved to another area near Secunda, so we still might be able to see her at church and share with her there but not at her home. She said that she can't let her family problems get in the way of her coming to church and stuff. This Wednesday is heritage day and so next week I will send a bunch of pics of that. It is a public holiday so there will be a ton of people there hopefully! Synthia is doing good, but didn't come to church yesterday because no gas. Her daughter before she came to church and I think that she is Jaela's age, but she never liked church. Yesterday she went and woke Synthia up to go to church, so I think that will be a help in the future to get them to church. They are still busy with their house haha the husband reminds me of dad, because he wants everything done perfectly and he doesn't hire anyone to do a lot of the stuff. Dad does, so that is the only difference but we offered to help out so hopefully that will be good. This place is my home and will always be and the people that are here are my family. They take good care of me and just show so much love. The African people are known for that, I just hope one day you are able to meet these people whether it be in this life or the next. Words do not explain the happiness that I have being here and it really has changed my life. I still am not perfect and continue to make mistakes everyday, but with Christ I do have a hope and the faith that it will all be worth it.
Excerpts from Dad's email:
Yeah fall is coming and it is weird, because earlier this week it was really hot and about Thursday it just got really cold and cloudy and rained a little bit. The whole time I was just like wow this is too much like Utah weather, it is hot one day and cold the next. It is funny this place has made me more of a wimp with the cold. At home it would be this cold and I would be wearing shorts and a t-shirt, but here I have a jacket and slacks of course. It is just weird to me and I think that when I get home the weather is going to be a big change for me and it is funny I haven't seen snow in like 2 years now.
Area: Secunda
Companion: Elder Wilombe
Hey Everyone,
This week was long and not too much happened. It was just one of those weeks where no one pitches up at the appointments and they say they are too busy and have to reschedule. But nevertheless we are done with that week and on with the next one. There were some highlights of the week. Just one event that sticks out in my mind this week was a priesthood blessing that I participated in. So there was this lady that is friends with some members and she is a less active herself and her daughters as well. It turns out that she has been less active for about 20 years or since her mother passed away. So we met on Thursday and the daughter wanted a blessing. She is 6 months pregnant and the baby was not growing correctly. Her head was not proportionate to the body, so it was a rare case. Brother Fourie is friends with these people and has been branch Pres. here 3 times and he has been a member here for a very long time. So he wanted us to come with him to give a blessing to this lady. I offered to do the anointing and something that Brother Fourie said after I was finished was that it was the most perfecting anointing that he has ever heard. I thought to myself that I remember saying those words, but to say it perfectly, haaaah not me.! I knew at that point that it wasn't me who was anointing! The priesthood is real and I have experienced it first hand. We saw the less active on Saturday, 2 days later and to my amazement the baby's head had grown and now it is just that the body is small. She still has 3 months of pregnancy, so the baby has plenty of time to grow. Also, they have been trying to have kids for quite sometime. They previous had 3 miss carriages, so this baby to have a miracle growth is just a faith and testimony builder for this less active. Everyone always has some miraculous story about how they saw some amazing things on their mission and this is mine. I have already seen miracles in my mission, but not this quickly and so dramatic. We only have the authority of God, not the power. The example of a light switch and electricity helps my mind grasp the meaning of this great gift. If you turn on a light switch you are given the authority to turn it on or off, but you do not have the power to turn it on or off. The source is the only one with the power which is the electric company and will only turn on if you have payed the bills. So in the case of the priesthood, we have the authority to turn on or off the light in a sense. God is the source of the power and if we have payed our bills or have the faith he will show us that power and give us light. There is a Mormon message from Elder Holland that talks about staying sanctified and ready for when you might have to use the priesthood in a life or death situation. We don't know when we will need the priesthood, but God has granted us that gift so use it wisely and be ready when it is needed.
Elder Bryner
Excerpts from Mom's email:
So we haven't seen Lerato in awhile, she is having some family problems. So she moved to another area near Secunda, so we still might be able to see her at church and share with her there but not at her home. She said that she can't let her family problems get in the way of her coming to church and stuff. This Wednesday is heritage day and so next week I will send a bunch of pics of that. It is a public holiday so there will be a ton of people there hopefully! Synthia is doing good, but didn't come to church yesterday because no gas. Her daughter before she came to church and I think that she is Jaela's age, but she never liked church. Yesterday she went and woke Synthia up to go to church, so I think that will be a help in the future to get them to church. They are still busy with their house haha the husband reminds me of dad, because he wants everything done perfectly and he doesn't hire anyone to do a lot of the stuff. Dad does, so that is the only difference but we offered to help out so hopefully that will be good. This place is my home and will always be and the people that are here are my family. They take good care of me and just show so much love. The African people are known for that, I just hope one day you are able to meet these people whether it be in this life or the next. Words do not explain the happiness that I have being here and it really has changed my life. I still am not perfect and continue to make mistakes everyday, but with Christ I do have a hope and the faith that it will all be worth it.
Excerpts from Dad's email:
Yeah fall is coming and it is weird, because earlier this week it was really hot and about Thursday it just got really cold and cloudy and rained a little bit. The whole time I was just like wow this is too much like Utah weather, it is hot one day and cold the next. It is funny this place has made me more of a wimp with the cold. At home it would be this cold and I would be wearing shorts and a t-shirt, but here I have a jacket and slacks of course. It is just weird to me and I think that when I get home the weather is going to be a big change for me and it is funny I haven't seen snow in like 2 years now.
Elder Wilombe,
Secunda, Secunda, South Africa
Monday, September 15, 2014
By small and simple things, great things are brought to pass
Email #46
Area: Secunda
Companion: Elder Wilombe
Hey Everyone,
It was a great week and we had a lot going on this week. Monday we had a good pday and we just hung out at the chapel and had a braai just us four. We made a big fire and and it just was a good relaxing day and brought back too many memories of the huge fires we would make when we would go camping. Tuesday I went on exchanges with Elder Johnson to their area and it was a township called Emba. There are so many people there and when it is time for the schools to get out, the streets are just filled with people. I felt at home in that place, because I have served in all townships until I got here. We saw a ton of people that were cool and some less actives that need some help getting back onto their feet. Wednesday we had zone conference and I thought it was one of the best ones so far on my mission! They had a lot of moving around, so that we wouldn't fall asleep and we even played a game at the end which has never happened before. We had lasagna and salad just like home so that was way nice. We had a long discussion about the Book of Mormon and how we can use it to help investigators and members get more fully converted and how it really is the only way to know that this church is true. I was reading this morning in 2 Nephi 29 to Jacob 2 and the things that I read were just a reaffirmation that the the Book of Mormon is true. If you need a testimony about the Book of Mormon go read those chapters and the promise that Moroni gives us will happen if and only if you have the faith and an unhardened heart. Many harden their hearts and are not mindful that God is the one who will continue to bring knowledge to us. Who says that He can't give more to the world and we will be judged by all that is written. So make sure you know what you are going to be judged upon and you can find out by, oh what's that book called again.... Oh yeah the Book of Mormon, it's blue and it's true so read it! Thursday we had a lesson with a recent convert named George who we see every Thursday. We have been talking about Eternal Marriage in church for the past few weeks. He told us that he heard a voice telling him that he must believe that eternal marriage is real and he can be sealed to his wife forever. Friday we went on splits with the zone leaders again and Elder Koyle came with us that day. He was my district leader when I was in Pimville so it was nice to be in lessons with him again. Lerato had done some reading in the Book of Mormon and last week, Friday we met with her and ask if she wanted to be baptized and said that she wasn't ready to set a goal for herself yet. On Friday she said that she is ready to set a goal for herself and we set for October 19th, so we are super pumped for that!!!! We talked to Synthia and well on Friday and she said that she promises that she will come to church on Sunday! We saw a member and her less active son and he said that he wants to change his life around and he wants to make the first step by coming back to church. Saturday we saw Bridget and her daughter success and it was a lesson I will never forget. We didn't really share a message but just had a talk, a solemn and fervent one but the spirit was so strong. She believes that she has told God all she has on her chest and she is just waiting for God to intervene. I told her a scenario where her daughter lived in Joburg and she told you what was going on and she knew what her daughter was doing and that she was safe, but her daughter all of a sudden stopped talking to her and letting her know what was going on. Just like a cellphone, prayer is our way to talk to God. He is waiting and all you have to do is just start by sending a little text saying what is on you mind and what is going on. She didn't say anything and at first I was scared of the silence, but we sat there until she spoke for 2 or 3 minutes of silence she said that all she wants is happiness and the only time she feels it is when her daughter says something remarkable and that she loves her. Happiness lies within Christ, but she has never felt what it actually feels like and something that came out of my mouth that I thought I wouldn't say. I said the happiness I have is so great that I wish I could give it to someone and she turned and looked at me with tears in her eyes not knowing what to say. God wants happiness for all his children even you, I told her and he is waiting to intervene with his hand stretched out forth towards you and all you have to do is reach for it. Sunday SYNTHIA CAME TO CHURCH!!!!! I was so happy that all the worries of anything and everything went away and I knew at that moment that she will never stop coming to church. The members reached out to her and made her feel so welcomed. We talked about eteranal marriage in gospel principles class. When I see her, I saw her and her husband standing in front of the temple with their two daughters waiting to go inside to be sealed and tonight we are going to talk about the temple. When I first got to this area, I had little faith about its potential and if all I came here for is Synthia's family and Lerato to find the truth, then that is why I was sent here. If you want true happiness and if you want to feel real charity serve a mission, serve those around you, say hello to someone. By small and simple things, great things are brought to pass.
Elder Bryner
Area: Secunda
Companion: Elder Wilombe
Hey Everyone,
It was a great week and we had a lot going on this week. Monday we had a good pday and we just hung out at the chapel and had a braai just us four. We made a big fire and and it just was a good relaxing day and brought back too many memories of the huge fires we would make when we would go camping. Tuesday I went on exchanges with Elder Johnson to their area and it was a township called Emba. There are so many people there and when it is time for the schools to get out, the streets are just filled with people. I felt at home in that place, because I have served in all townships until I got here. We saw a ton of people that were cool and some less actives that need some help getting back onto their feet. Wednesday we had zone conference and I thought it was one of the best ones so far on my mission! They had a lot of moving around, so that we wouldn't fall asleep and we even played a game at the end which has never happened before. We had lasagna and salad just like home so that was way nice. We had a long discussion about the Book of Mormon and how we can use it to help investigators and members get more fully converted and how it really is the only way to know that this church is true. I was reading this morning in 2 Nephi 29 to Jacob 2 and the things that I read were just a reaffirmation that the the Book of Mormon is true. If you need a testimony about the Book of Mormon go read those chapters and the promise that Moroni gives us will happen if and only if you have the faith and an unhardened heart. Many harden their hearts and are not mindful that God is the one who will continue to bring knowledge to us. Who says that He can't give more to the world and we will be judged by all that is written. So make sure you know what you are going to be judged upon and you can find out by, oh what's that book called again.... Oh yeah the Book of Mormon, it's blue and it's true so read it! Thursday we had a lesson with a recent convert named George who we see every Thursday. We have been talking about Eternal Marriage in church for the past few weeks. He told us that he heard a voice telling him that he must believe that eternal marriage is real and he can be sealed to his wife forever. Friday we went on splits with the zone leaders again and Elder Koyle came with us that day. He was my district leader when I was in Pimville so it was nice to be in lessons with him again. Lerato had done some reading in the Book of Mormon and last week, Friday we met with her and ask if she wanted to be baptized and said that she wasn't ready to set a goal for herself yet. On Friday she said that she is ready to set a goal for herself and we set for October 19th, so we are super pumped for that!!!! We talked to Synthia and well on Friday and she said that she promises that she will come to church on Sunday! We saw a member and her less active son and he said that he wants to change his life around and he wants to make the first step by coming back to church. Saturday we saw Bridget and her daughter success and it was a lesson I will never forget. We didn't really share a message but just had a talk, a solemn and fervent one but the spirit was so strong. She believes that she has told God all she has on her chest and she is just waiting for God to intervene. I told her a scenario where her daughter lived in Joburg and she told you what was going on and she knew what her daughter was doing and that she was safe, but her daughter all of a sudden stopped talking to her and letting her know what was going on. Just like a cellphone, prayer is our way to talk to God. He is waiting and all you have to do is just start by sending a little text saying what is on you mind and what is going on. She didn't say anything and at first I was scared of the silence, but we sat there until she spoke for 2 or 3 minutes of silence she said that all she wants is happiness and the only time she feels it is when her daughter says something remarkable and that she loves her. Happiness lies within Christ, but she has never felt what it actually feels like and something that came out of my mouth that I thought I wouldn't say. I said the happiness I have is so great that I wish I could give it to someone and she turned and looked at me with tears in her eyes not knowing what to say. God wants happiness for all his children even you, I told her and he is waiting to intervene with his hand stretched out forth towards you and all you have to do is reach for it. Sunday SYNTHIA CAME TO CHURCH!!!!! I was so happy that all the worries of anything and everything went away and I knew at that moment that she will never stop coming to church. The members reached out to her and made her feel so welcomed. We talked about eteranal marriage in gospel principles class. When I see her, I saw her and her husband standing in front of the temple with their two daughters waiting to go inside to be sealed and tonight we are going to talk about the temple. When I first got to this area, I had little faith about its potential and if all I came here for is Synthia's family and Lerato to find the truth, then that is why I was sent here. If you want true happiness and if you want to feel real charity serve a mission, serve those around you, say hello to someone. By small and simple things, great things are brought to pass.
Elder Bryner
Zone Conference |
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Elder Wilombe,
Zone Conference
Secunda, Secunda, South Africa
Monday, September 8, 2014
Don't forget God, because God has not forgotten you
Email #45
Area: Secunda
Companion: Elder Wilombe
Hey Everyone,
It was a good week and we had a good amount of lessons. So needless to say this area is growing. Haha never thought I would say that, but there is hope in everything. A scripture that I read a time ago like this morning, haha is in 1 Nephi 11:17 "I know that God loves us, but I do not know the meaning of all things." It isn't word for word, but I tried my best to quote it. People are struggling and bad things happen to good people, so this scripture gave me some comfort and I know that it will give some to you. I have seen in my area that there are some people that just don't know the truth and have been blinded by the precepts of men. It is hard to see the thoughts that they have about things and that the knowledge I have would just give them a better look on life. Sometimes they are just too hard hearted to listen. It really is sad, but I know that eventually those people will be soften and come to the truth. Don't lose hope in anything that you believe in. Having questions is not a bad thing, just don't have doubts. Do not doubt the faith that you have. If you are lacking the faith that you have, try to rekindle the fire that was once there. Synthia and her family are coming along slowly. We found out this week that her husband has been reading the Book of Mormon and wants to learn more about what we teach. He reads it at night Synthia said and that just made me so happy, but they are so busy and have a ton on their plate with building their house and trying to stay on their feet. They just seem like a sweet mormon family. Yesterday we were there and the husband was eating and he had a drink that said sparkling cocktail mixer. I just said to myself that oh man now they have to overcome this too?? But then I saw in little small print NON-ALCOHOLIC!!!! At that moment I just knew that God loves this family and Synthia comes back and says that isn't alcoholic and I said how did you know that I was wondering that?? And then the Husband oh and his name is Doctor by the way just in case you were wondering. He said that there is no alcohol in this house nor drugs and I was just like you guys are the greatest family. They all started laughing and said Brother Bryner that is what Synthia calls me, said why do you say that? And I told them they have the best morals and standards and they know God. I have such high hopes for this family and with time they will join the other millions of great families out there in the church of Christ. FHE went really well and we had a good turn out like half the branch was there. Two part member families were there as well so that was good. Lerato and Eugene didn't make it to church this week, but we are gradually getting there with those two. Lerato needs time, she is a girl who you need to be patient with and wants to make sure that it is the right thing to do before she jumps into it!! I am starting to love this area and it is growing on me. The relationships that I have with people are like my own family. Like I said before if you don't leave an area feeling like you are leaving your family, then you are not doing you job or what you were called to do! Trials will never stop coming, but the love of God will never stop coming either. We forget why we are here and we forget God. Why do we forget God is the question we should all ask ourselves and ask yourself what is making me forget God. Don't forget God, because God has not forgotten you.
Elder Bryner
Area: Secunda
Companion: Elder Wilombe
Hey Everyone,
It was a good week and we had a good amount of lessons. So needless to say this area is growing. Haha never thought I would say that, but there is hope in everything. A scripture that I read a time ago like this morning, haha is in 1 Nephi 11:17 "I know that God loves us, but I do not know the meaning of all things." It isn't word for word, but I tried my best to quote it. People are struggling and bad things happen to good people, so this scripture gave me some comfort and I know that it will give some to you. I have seen in my area that there are some people that just don't know the truth and have been blinded by the precepts of men. It is hard to see the thoughts that they have about things and that the knowledge I have would just give them a better look on life. Sometimes they are just too hard hearted to listen. It really is sad, but I know that eventually those people will be soften and come to the truth. Don't lose hope in anything that you believe in. Having questions is not a bad thing, just don't have doubts. Do not doubt the faith that you have. If you are lacking the faith that you have, try to rekindle the fire that was once there. Synthia and her family are coming along slowly. We found out this week that her husband has been reading the Book of Mormon and wants to learn more about what we teach. He reads it at night Synthia said and that just made me so happy, but they are so busy and have a ton on their plate with building their house and trying to stay on their feet. They just seem like a sweet mormon family. Yesterday we were there and the husband was eating and he had a drink that said sparkling cocktail mixer. I just said to myself that oh man now they have to overcome this too?? But then I saw in little small print NON-ALCOHOLIC!!!! At that moment I just knew that God loves this family and Synthia comes back and says that isn't alcoholic and I said how did you know that I was wondering that?? And then the Husband oh and his name is Doctor by the way just in case you were wondering. He said that there is no alcohol in this house nor drugs and I was just like you guys are the greatest family. They all started laughing and said Brother Bryner that is what Synthia calls me, said why do you say that? And I told them they have the best morals and standards and they know God. I have such high hopes for this family and with time they will join the other millions of great families out there in the church of Christ. FHE went really well and we had a good turn out like half the branch was there. Two part member families were there as well so that was good. Lerato and Eugene didn't make it to church this week, but we are gradually getting there with those two. Lerato needs time, she is a girl who you need to be patient with and wants to make sure that it is the right thing to do before she jumps into it!! I am starting to love this area and it is growing on me. The relationships that I have with people are like my own family. Like I said before if you don't leave an area feeling like you are leaving your family, then you are not doing you job or what you were called to do! Trials will never stop coming, but the love of God will never stop coming either. We forget why we are here and we forget God. Why do we forget God is the question we should all ask ourselves and ask yourself what is making me forget God. Don't forget God, because God has not forgotten you.
Elder Bryner
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Elder Bryner enjoying a nice stake. |
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Elder Wilombe |
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Elder Wilombe,
Secunda, Secunda, South Africa
Monday, September 1, 2014
Staying in Secunda and setting goals
Email #44
Area: Secunda
Companion: Elder Wilombe
Hey Everyone,
It was a good week and we had 2 investigators come to church yesterday, so that was a highlight of the week. One is named Lerato she is 18 and a Jehovah's witness that we ran into on the street one day and she happens to know one of the recent converts. The other one is named Eugine around 23 and he is just wondering where the truth is and he knows some of the members in Kinross, so that is helpful as well. Lerato said that she really enjoyed church and that she has a lot of questions for when we come. Jehovah witness have similar beliefs as we do, but something that will show that if they are strong in that religion is if they don't let you pray when you come to visit. She stays with her grandmother who is very strong and she doesn't like us to pray when we come. She said that she will try and convince her grandmother to come to church. Jerry is still on date and still needs to find his way to church. Transportation to church is an issue for a lot of people and in the other Elders area on Sunday there are no taxi's that go through there. Getting people to church from that area is almost impossible unless they have their own car. Transfers are tomorrow and Elder Brown is going and everyone else is staying and so I could be here for a very long time, at least until November. My companion is staying so that leaves me with at least two more transfers here. This area is growing slowly, but surely and hopefully by the time that I leave there will be at least 2 to 3 baptized. So that is a goal of mine that I have set. We are going to put Synthia on date pretty soon and also Lerato and Eugene so that is a possible 3 plus Jerry and we are now teaching Jerry cousin, her name is Mbali. She is around 23 also so she has been showing some improvement and signs of baptism. Wednesday was our best day we had 6 lessons and we are also teaching a guy that is 16 his name is Siyabonga and is a members cousin. It is getting close to summer and today is the first day of spring. Here in Secunda it doesn't get as hot as other places. So I hope that everyone has a good week and that you are enjoying school haha. Oh good old school, I am not looking forward to coming back to that. Oh and by the way, I will be hitting my year mark here in Secunda or in other words HUMP DAY! Love you all.
Elder Bryner
Area: Secunda
Companion: Elder Wilombe
Hey Everyone,
It was a good week and we had 2 investigators come to church yesterday, so that was a highlight of the week. One is named Lerato she is 18 and a Jehovah's witness that we ran into on the street one day and she happens to know one of the recent converts. The other one is named Eugine around 23 and he is just wondering where the truth is and he knows some of the members in Kinross, so that is helpful as well. Lerato said that she really enjoyed church and that she has a lot of questions for when we come. Jehovah witness have similar beliefs as we do, but something that will show that if they are strong in that religion is if they don't let you pray when you come to visit. She stays with her grandmother who is very strong and she doesn't like us to pray when we come. She said that she will try and convince her grandmother to come to church. Jerry is still on date and still needs to find his way to church. Transportation to church is an issue for a lot of people and in the other Elders area on Sunday there are no taxi's that go through there. Getting people to church from that area is almost impossible unless they have their own car. Transfers are tomorrow and Elder Brown is going and everyone else is staying and so I could be here for a very long time, at least until November. My companion is staying so that leaves me with at least two more transfers here. This area is growing slowly, but surely and hopefully by the time that I leave there will be at least 2 to 3 baptized. So that is a goal of mine that I have set. We are going to put Synthia on date pretty soon and also Lerato and Eugene so that is a possible 3 plus Jerry and we are now teaching Jerry cousin, her name is Mbali. She is around 23 also so she has been showing some improvement and signs of baptism. Wednesday was our best day we had 6 lessons and we are also teaching a guy that is 16 his name is Siyabonga and is a members cousin. It is getting close to summer and today is the first day of spring. Here in Secunda it doesn't get as hot as other places. So I hope that everyone has a good week and that you are enjoying school haha. Oh good old school, I am not looking forward to coming back to that. Oh and by the way, I will be hitting my year mark here in Secunda or in other words HUMP DAY! Love you all.
Elder Bryner
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Elder Bryner and Elder Brown |
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Elder Wilombe and Elder Johnson |
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Elder Brown, Elder Wilombe, Elder Bryner and Elder Johnson. This is where they meet for sacrament meeting. |
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Elder Brown,
Elder Johnson,
Elder Wilombe,
Secunda, Secunda, South Africa
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