Email #45
Area: Secunda
Companion: Elder Wilombe
Hey Everyone,
It was a good week and we had a good amount of lessons. So needless to say this area is growing. Haha never thought I would say that, but there is hope in everything. A scripture that I read a time ago like this morning, haha is in 1 Nephi 11:17 "I know that God loves us, but I do not know the meaning of all things." It isn't word for word, but I tried my best to quote it. People are struggling and bad things happen to good people, so this scripture gave me some comfort and I know that it will give some to you. I have seen in my area that there are some people that just don't know the truth and have been blinded by the precepts of men. It is hard to see the thoughts that they have about things and that the knowledge I have would just give them a better look on life. Sometimes they are just too hard hearted to listen. It really is sad, but I know that eventually those people will be soften and come to the truth. Don't lose hope in anything that you believe in. Having questions is not a bad thing, just don't have doubts. Do not doubt the faith that you have. If you are lacking the faith that you have, try to rekindle the fire that was once there. Synthia and her family are coming along slowly. We found out this week that her husband has been reading the Book of Mormon and wants to learn more about what we teach. He reads it at night Synthia said and that just made me so happy, but they are so busy and have a ton on their plate with building their house and trying to stay on their feet. They just seem like a sweet mormon family. Yesterday we were there and the husband was eating and he had a drink that said sparkling cocktail mixer. I just said to myself that oh man now they have to overcome this too?? But then I saw in little small print NON-ALCOHOLIC!!!! At that moment I just knew that God loves this family and Synthia comes back and says that isn't alcoholic and I said how did you know that I was wondering that?? And then the Husband oh and his name is Doctor by the way just in case you were wondering. He said that there is no alcohol in this house nor drugs and I was just like you guys are the greatest family. They all started laughing and said Brother Bryner that is what Synthia calls me, said why do you say that? And I told them they have the best morals and standards and they know God. I have such high hopes for this family and with time they will join the other millions of great families out there in the church of Christ. FHE went really well and we had a good turn out like half the branch was there. Two part member families were there as well so that was good. Lerato and Eugene didn't make it to church this week, but we are gradually getting there with those two. Lerato needs time, she is a girl who you need to be patient with and wants to make sure that it is the right thing to do before she jumps into it!! I am starting to love this area and it is growing on me. The relationships that I have with people are like my own family. Like I said before if you don't leave an area feeling like you are leaving your family, then you are not doing you job or what you were called to do! Trials will never stop coming, but the love of God will never stop coming either. We forget why we are here and we forget God. Why do we forget God is the question we should all ask ourselves and ask yourself what is making me forget God. Don't forget God, because God has not forgotten you.
Elder Bryner
Elder Bryner enjoying a nice stake. |
Elder Wilombe |
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