Email #44
Area: Secunda
Companion: Elder Wilombe
Hey Everyone,
It was a good week and we had 2 investigators come to church yesterday, so that was a highlight of the week. One is named Lerato she is 18 and a Jehovah's witness that we ran into on the street one day and she happens to know one of the recent converts. The other one is named Eugine around 23 and he is just wondering where the truth is and he knows some of the members in Kinross, so that is helpful as well. Lerato said that she really enjoyed church and that she has a lot of questions for when we come. Jehovah witness have similar beliefs as we do, but something that will show that if they are strong in that religion is if they don't let you pray when you come to visit. She stays with her grandmother who is very strong and she doesn't like us to pray when we come. She said that she will try and convince her grandmother to come to church. Jerry is still on date and still needs to find his way to church. Transportation to church is an issue for a lot of people and in the other Elders area on Sunday there are no taxi's that go through there. Getting people to church from that area is almost impossible unless they have their own car. Transfers are tomorrow and Elder Brown is going and everyone else is staying and so I could be here for a very long time, at least until November. My companion is staying so that leaves me with at least two more transfers here. This area is growing slowly, but surely and hopefully by the time that I leave there will be at least 2 to 3 baptized. So that is a goal of mine that I have set. We are going to put Synthia on date pretty soon and also Lerato and Eugene so that is a possible 3 plus Jerry and we are now teaching Jerry cousin, her name is Mbali. She is around 23 also so she has been showing some improvement and signs of baptism. Wednesday was our best day we had 6 lessons and we are also teaching a guy that is 16 his name is Siyabonga and is a members cousin. It is getting close to summer and today is the first day of spring. Here in Secunda it doesn't get as hot as other places. So I hope that everyone has a good week and that you are enjoying school haha. Oh good old school, I am not looking forward to coming back to that. Oh and by the way, I will be hitting my year mark here in Secunda or in other words HUMP DAY! Love you all.
Elder Bryner
Elder Bryner and Elder Brown |
Elder Wilombe and Elder Johnson |
Elder Brown, Elder Wilombe, Elder Bryner and Elder Johnson. This is where they meet for sacrament meeting. |
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