Email #59
Area: Motupa
Companion: Elder Downs
Hey Everyone,
Well I am okay I am just emailing late, because it was so packed today at the mall that we go to and near the mall that is where we email at in the internet cafe. But it was too busy because Christmas and tomorrow is a holiday as well and we just couldn't even find a place to park. So it was pretty bad and we almost were going to have to wait to go shopping tomorrow as well. We managed to go and do that. The village is really good and it seems like the people are starting to warm up to us and see that we are not devil worshipers. So that is a nice relief, but yet still people are too busy or something to see us or they are just to stubborn and don't want to learn or anything! But I really like it and it is going good so far and we are having a lot at church too. The village is our only area we go to, so we walk everyday haha. So I will be getting in pretty good shape so that will be nice!!!! I have bought a lot of fruit so I bring that and there are a ton of mango trees and stuff so the mangos are a good snack in the area!!
Comp is really sweet, we get along the best in the district and we pray together at night when we go to sleep and stuff just like I did with my son. So we get along great and so that is good!! I loved Elder Going, yeah I think so but all my comps have been great. I can't really pick and choose the best to the worst haha. No we don't get fed more, it is just I am trying to budget my mission card to see how I can do it and we only go out to eat on Mondays usually now. Before we went out to eat a lot more and I bought pants and a gps in Secunda as well. But I am not sure what I am going to get for Christmas OHHHH and I almost forgot I GOT MY HUMP DAY PACKAGE!!! It was so nice and I guess mine is the only one that has come in for awhile!!! So that is way nice!! No it is safe I just don't want to take it because you can't really swipe your card anywhere in a village anyways haha so I just bring some cash with me and getting a new card would be hard!! I sent heaps of pics today like 72, so hope you like all of them so make sure you look them. So yeah investigators are okay we have a few that are doing good, but a few are annoying and won't do anything. So hope that you have a good week and that you are keeping well!!!
Elder Bryner
Zone Conference |
His new flat |
Building on the right is where they hold church |
Elder Bryner, Elder Downs... |
Young wildebeest |
Nice kitty kitty, don't eat his thumb |
Ouch there goes his thumb |
There are some claws on that cat |
Hope those guys are watching and he doesn't get chewed on, Elder Bryner is looking a little red |
hmmm...looks like Elder Bryner needed some help |
Tiger eating a chicken |
Map of their area |
Book of Mormon in braille |
Wow...that is too hot, 12/5 and 110 degrees |
Couple missionaries with President and Sister Dunn at zone conference |
Elder Cook and Elder Bryner |
Sporting his Colt pride and there is that tongue :-) |
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