Area: Motupa
Companion: Elder Downs
Hey Everyone,
Not much to report on, but I am writing this before I read your email. So we had a pretty good week. Had good lessons with everyone, and unexpected people came to church without their fellowshipper so that was interesting to see. Haha something crazy on Friday, we went to district meeting and it wasn't too hot, but we got back to our flat and it was way hot. So we wanted to see how hot it actually was. So we set a temp thing outside and it got to 110 and more, but we brought it back inside because that was hot enough to make us freak out and take a pic of it!!! We went into the area a little bit later so it wasn't as hot then, but luckily had and umbrella with me so I was shaded don't worry, I know you might ask if I wore sunscreen, no but had an umbrella and sat in the shade. It was too hot to even be in the sun for a minute!! Never experienced that kind of heat before and luckily it wasn't humid either and usually it is so that was nice! It is just going to get more and more hot and humid here especially in January! Haha it is quite hard to sleep at night and sometimes I am wondering to put my g's in the freezer and swap out middle of the night haha!! Yeah Sis Campbell is the nicest senior couple and Elder Campbell too of course. There is one couple that is awesome that we don't really see that often. Yeah she is a sweet and sincere lady and I was hoping to hem my pants in my last area, but I am glad I didn't, I trust her more than anyone else! We take water everyday, I've always done that since I have been on my mission I don't trust people's water anywhere! We are there until 6 to 6:30, we leave before it gets dark, either senior couples take us and there is a couple that teaches English in our area so they usually take us home, but like once a week the other guys pick us up and no we don't get the car any day haha! The other guys pick us up and take us emailing and shopping. But skyping might not be too long because there are 8 elders plus the senior couple and time zones are some that are the same like 3 of us are from the states, but as time gets closer I will let you know for sure. The night before I will call and set an exact time with you or something like that. Haha it isn't that hot at night I am exaggerating a little much, but there has been a couple nights where it is hard to sleep. I have a fan so most nights it is nice! Yeah I got word that I have a package so we will see which one it is hopefully my hump day that would be sweet, but yeah they will probably bring mail up when the conference is. Hope that you have a good week!!!!
Elder Bryner
Excerpts from Dad's email:
We go emailing a lot sooner here haha. Yeah I am getting used to the area now and loving it so far! Just to walk and see all the people and what they are doing and their lifestyle is way different than what I have seen and yes for sure the poorest in SA. It is definitely humbling to see what these people put up with and have to do just to get by. Yeah I am more scared to come home now that it grows closer because of real life. now I dont know any different and I know that is was like that when I came out but it is different than that. Yeah there are things I miss but this is more fun than anything and yeah for sure there are days I just want to lay down and die cause of the heat haha. But like you said, in the end it is worth it and it is the best thing that anyone could do and it for sure beats having to go to school and work. Now it seems to be that I need to go back to school haha!! Well people here are a little different, they think we are devil worshipers and have things in our back packs that we use to suck people's blood. I was on exchanges when this happened, but someone wanted to look in our bags because of rumors of that stuff. The stuff just keeps getting more and more weird, some of the people yell fire at us when we pass so that is a little annoying, but funny at the same time!! So taking pics of the area and at people house is going to be a bit hard, but I will at members houses well try to! Yeah service projects can be dangerous, but normally we just help people carry their water to their house so that isn't too bad. Yeah I will be cautious! So that is pretty much what I had for you this week. It will be nice to put up the Christmas tree together next year and the next one might be Jaren's turn to miss haha but we will see!!
These pictures are from one of the couple missionaries in his area.
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Hahah yeah I know some of them, but the chapel looks different I think that it was at a different place. It is about the same as the one we have now. |
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