Email #62
Area: Motupa
Companion: Elder Downs
Hey Everyone,
It was a nice new years. We just stayed at the flat mostly. We went up to the falls again and we came back and had a braai as well. So that was fun, but other than that we just stayed around and hungout. It is still way hot and humid. We managed to get the truck 2 days out of the week, so that we can go to the way far appointments so that was nice to find out. Well Elder Downs is leaving and so is Hepworth and Stomps. So three are leaving, so it will be interesting to see who the new guys are including my comp. I really hope that he is a cool guy. I really need one up here, because we walk everywhere and the only way to make the day go by is if you have a good comp. But I have been having mixed feelings about who my new comp is going to be. I was right about who was leaving and who was staying here, so hopefully I am not right about my next companion.
The baptism went great, but the funny thing is that we had to manually fill it up with buckets of water that we carried in the back of the truck from one of the members houses. So in the village they get water turned on once a month or every two weeks or so. The tank that we have at the chapel wasn't enough to fill the font, so we had to get up at 5am and drive to the area and start our many trips to the members house to fill up the water. The member was actually the grandfather to the boy that was getting baptized. The member has a well or bore hole that they can get unlimited water. So it was quite a set up to get everything ready. We had two of the young men help us out with that, so that was good. But everything turned out great and worked out as planned.
So we have to go down to joburg today, because it takes so long to get there. So we have to stay the night at another flat. We leave about 2 today so I won't be emailing the normal time. I am quite nervous about transfers, I never get the chance to stay with someone I like for the time that I want to. I guess it's how it has to be. I put some pics up of us doing the buckets and preparing for the baptism. Well next week I will let you know if my comp is good or not haha! Have a good week.
Elder Bryner
Filling up the baptismal font |
Elder Downs and one of the young men. |
It takes truly dedicated elders to transport enough water in 5 gallon containers to fill a font…but I know it was worth it to them. Not only that they will have great stories to tell their children and grandchildren about when they were missionaries in South Africa. I also liked the improvised bellows for getting the fire to burn faster.