Email #65
Area: Motupa
Companion: Elder Kalani
Excerpts from Mom's email:
I am doing good and all is well this week. One of our investigators is moving to another area down to Polakwane for school, so hopefully we can stay in touch and make sure that she gets baptized. She was a really sweet girl and had such a good attitude about things and she remembers everything just like every girl does, but it was fun to teach her it was so easy! But we are teaching her cousin and niece now as well so hopefully something will come from that. Not much rain lately, but yesterday was so hot holy crap it was just so exhausting and hot, did I say it was hot haha!!! I love my comp and it is so nice with him! The Campbell's still feed us, every other week. We teach about 15 to 20 lessons a week depending on the people and the weather of course! I hope that you have a good week.
Excerpts from Dad's email:
The week was good and really hot, but we made it through it and we are still alive and going. No didn't get the package yet, but next week because the zone leaders only go 2 times a month because of the distance, but I think it should be here soon. Yep things are still good with my comp and still pumpin haha. We are trying to find new people, it has just been hard because of school starting and stuff. Hopefully things will get back to normal. Not really any stories to tell, nothing really has happened just same old stuff everyday, walk and talk to people where ever we may find them.
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