Email #97
Area: Motupa
Companion: Elder Paul
Excerpts from Mom's email:
The week was good a lot have changes have happened. I'm still in Motupa and will finish here. I was called to be district leader my last transfer and now my new comp is from Malawi his name is Elder Paul. He is pretty cool and we get along okay, he's not the first African or tough comp not saying he is a hard comp I have only been with him for a day. I know all the elders I go home with so that will be nice to sit with them and everything. Yeah its crazy how time is going and how much has changed and what's to come. I am just scared, but excited at the same time haha. I don't know what to think about all of it. It's getting hot here, right now its cold but during the day its pretty hot and has rained a few times here and there so that makes it a little cooler during the day. Julia's sister came to church and Pinky came to church as well so that was a good turn out. Solomon didn't come he had to go to work. There was a senior couple from Canada that served here. There is so much that I don't want to leave and it kills me I have to leave it for a time, but it seems like this time is so much harder. leaving home was hard but not this hard, there is so much I will miss. At the same time I am ready to get on with life and start another chapter. Mission has been a roller coaster and I have met so many great people I can't be more grateful. Changes have come, mistakes made, relationships built, trials overcome, challenges beat, spiritually grown, and so many friends and family. It will be almost impossible to say goodbye for a season, but it is what has to be done.
Excerpts from Dad's email:
It was a good week and it was Elder Kusi Poku last week, so we spent time with the people he wanted to say goodbye to. Things are good and I am now district leader so that's weird and I got a new comp from Malowi his name is Elder Paul. He is pretty cool, he is like my 5th or 6th African comp so its not hard to get along with them. I am not actually sure how many people got baptized, but I think its around 20 I have it recorded but I don't know at the top of my head. We got some lessons planned this week. Sounds like things are getting weird around there for when I get home. haha it feels unreal sometimes that its almost that time. I hope it doesn't snow that would really make things bad. I hope everything will go well with all the preparations.
Elder Bryner
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