Email #96
Area: Motupa
Companion: Elder Kosi-poku
Excerpts from Mom's email:
Wow so crazy you got the papers haha! I can't believe they have come, and its about the time. Yeah I didn't get anything so I am glad you sent it to me. Yeah it will be quite a journey home having to go through all that stuff it seems like so much, but I will just be happy when its all over and all my stuff arrives to SLC. Yeah I'm not too excited having to go to London, but its whatever and its good the layover isn't 10 hours again. The week was good and we saw Solomon and he is doing well he read all the restoration pamphlet and he thought God was a spirit. So we really focused on the Godhead and asked him to pray about all that. He works at Clicks, its like rite aid. so he can only see us on Sundays and sometimes he works on Sunday so church is hard, but he has come twice now so he shows progress. We saw another lady that came to church, she is the sister to the member Julia. Her name is Agnes. We taught about the Godhead with her as well and she says it all makes sense and she was saying she really likes church and that she will come this week. She didn't come yesterday because she had to do washing, she didn't get home till late Saturday so she had to do it Sunday. Things are picking up a little bit, but attendance at church is a little low. Hopefully it will pick back up again.
Excerpts from Dad's email:
So Julia is a member and we are teaching her sister Agnes and we saw her yesterday and taught her about the Godhead and she said it makes sense. She can't read English, but she understands when we speak to her. It's unfortunate because her and Julia didn't go to school. So reading and writing isn't there. Pinky came back last week and we met up at a shop in Motupa and she didn't tell us she was back so this week we are going to see her again. Haha yeah the pics were sweet, no the animals were at least 50 meters away so we were safe haha. It's good that everything is coming along slowly, but surely haha sounds a lot like our investigators and less actives. Like everything you can't push or rush. That's something I have learned is that with people you can't force, push, rush or anything of the sort. People have their own pace so that's where I have learned patience. I look back and I see some of the life lessons God has taught me and he has shown me in a way that I understand. I didn't realize at the time, but now things are coming to mind. I hope you have a good week and work will be ease up, well he won't weaken the storm, but He strengthens the person.
Elder Bryner
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