Monday, August 10, 2015

Back in Motupa going strong

Email #92
Area: Motupa
Companion: Elder Kosi-poku

Excerpts from Mom's email:

Yeah it is a rare thing to be able to go back to other areas, but yeah it happens in smaller missions. It was so cool to see how much the people who got confirmed had changed and yeah I got to confirm one of them and it was so nice cuz she used to drink and go to taverns and do all this crazy stuff. Now she is totally different, she acts like a lady but she is really nice. The other lady, my comp confirmed so it was nice to be able to do that. Yesterday they had fast and testimony meeting, so it was cool because the older woman her name is Johanna, the one my comp confirmed she bore her testimony. It was in spedi, so I couldn't really understand it but I know it was powerful and she mentioned me and Elder Kalani. I think she was talking about how we tried teaching her when we were here, but she just changed over time and started listening to the lessons and got baptized and it was the same with the other girl, her name is Khutso. I am doing really good and coming back here really helped me to see that the work still goes on even when you leave. My comp is sweet I actually stayed the night at his flat the night before he was coming up here to replace me. He is from Ghana, Elder Kosi-Poku. He is way fun and he likes the area as well. We drive everyday now cuz the Meldrums the senior couple that was up here with Elder Kalani and I went home the same day I left here. Their truck stayed here and we have it now and its such a huge help. We are in the same flat and everything. It is actually cold at night, the first few nights that I was back and now it is getting hot again. I got back as soon as summer starts haha. I want to go back when the next transfer is cuz we'll be meeting at the Pretoria chapel again. We don't have meeting or anything we just show up and get our comp. The MP wasn't even there or the APs. So it was just show up and leave pretty much.

Excerpts from Dad's email:

Yeah its crazy to be back and not much has changed still in the same flat and everything. We drive now everyday so that is way nice. My comp is Elder Kosi-poku from Ghana. He is cool and I have met him before on mission, but we already get along great no problems or anything. Internet is good no problems just like before when I was here. We email at the Tzaneen chapel and pdays are still boring, but I hope to go zip lining. Unfortuantely none of the missionaries want to pay. Its about 500 rands, so they dont want to pay that much. It is such a sweet thing, my last comp showed me pics and I want to do it. Some of the old investigators got confirmed yesterday and I got to do it with one of them so that was such a cool thing and to see how much they have changed. Now we are just trying to work with part member families cuz tracting as before doesn't really work and contacting is the same. So there are quite a bit of part member families we can work with so that will be really nice. The relief society president is less active now since I left and she was so nice when I left but hopefully we can get her back soon. Pres is all about numbers and its so dumb numbers don't even matter at all, but we try our best to meet his standards. The stories are hard to tell cuz its just weird to me. To me its not that exciting like every missionary tells the same story it seems like. Oh we saw this guy and he was super powerful and we read with him, but the people here still do the fire thing and run away when they see us. They think were worship satan so that hasn't really changed. It has decreased so that is good. The same members still come out with us as before so that helps a lot. Time is short, but I think that I got transferred up here really helped me so I am happy about that. Everything is great and I know I will enjoy that last little bit I have and it will be good.

Elder Bryner

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